Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Lord God vs. a Higher Power

Place your Higher Power up against the Lord God and see who wins
– Clint Decker
“Tom, do you believe in God?” I asked. “Yes and no,” he responded. “I believe there is a God, but I choose to believe in my Higher Power.” Most Americans still believe in God, but the numbers have been on a steady decline for decades. A Gallup poll reported in 1944, that 96% of Americans believed in God, but 78 years later in 2022 it dropped to a record low of 81%. Interestingly, when pollsters in another survey added a question about belief in a Higher Power, the numbers jumped to 88%. (Image by Clinton o. from Pixabay)

Billy Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, included God in the 12 steps he wrote in 1938. Step 5, he penned “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” Before publication others advised him to describe “God” as a “Higher Power” that it might be more inclusive of those who are atheists, agnostics and nonreligious, so step 2 was written as “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

Alcoholics Anonymous Cleveland writes about this problem with God, “The word God means something different to just about everyone that is having difficulty with it.” The consensus of a Higher Power being something greater than yourself, covers a lot of area. It can be the god of your choosing like Allah, Buddhism, Hinduism or the God of the Bible. It can also be any type of force, universal energy, some inherent goodness, nature or a variety of other spiritual higher powers.

Many find comfort believing in a Higher Power because it gives them an alternative to how they were raised, brings flexibility to their beliefs and allows them to live how they choose. It is also not as offensive. Yet, in many cases their spiritual power has no clear description of who it is, nor what it does or does not do.

God bluntly speaks to this kind of belief, “They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115:4-8)

What is God’s alternative then? He says in verse 9, “…trust in the Lord!” He explains this more, “There is…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6)

These are not my words, but God’s, who is the Supreme Being of the universe. He holds it all together. He is the Higher Power, for there is no one higher nor more powerful than Him. Yes, for many it is offensive because God’s words are exclusionary. That makes many want to resist, push back and argue against it. However, is it true? Test it. Place your Higher Power up against the Lord God and see what you come away with.

No matter if you are struggling with an ongoing addiction, the aftermath of a tragedy or overwhelmed by a crisis – God is your only true hope. He alone has what you need to overcome and persevere. The Bible says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord…He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

How can we know this truth for sure? Because He sent His unique Son from heaven to earth to reveal Himself to all the world. Jesus is described as “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6) Jesus is what you and many others are searching for. Let Him be your Higher Power.

A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray people would recognize you as the One True God. Help them with their questions and doubts. Reveal to them who you are. Show them your only Son. Bring them to believe in you with all their heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Where is Your Life Headed?

Today, you can choose to get off the wide path of destruction and step onto the narrow path of eternal life. What will you choose?
- Clint Decker
At 16 years old, Justin was a hard worker, loved to help others and had a passion for politics. That is why a candidate for Governor took a risk and asked him to be a County Chairman for his statewide political race. He wound up doing a tremendous job. He helped the candidate win the county, which also provided the highest voter turnout in the state. (Image by Pixabay) 

Tommy, also 16 years old, led a much different life. During one weekend, he played a role in slashing 34 tires. He became caught up in a bizarre tire slashing competition with other teenagers. People began filing complaints with the police, who launched an investigation. Soon Tommy’s mother found out, and with her direction, he voluntarily surrendered himself to police and was arrested.

These are two boys, on two paths filled with two kinds of choices. One destructive, one constructive. Across America, everywhere we go, every town, whether big or small, is filled with Justins and Tommys. The two paths bring very different results. One is a constructive life demonstrated by generosity, humility, integrity and a selfless spirit that puts the needs of others above self. The other path is a destructive life. It displays a narcissistic spirit which puts the needs of self above others. It shows impatience, arrogance and rudeness.

God’s Son, Jesus, spoke of these two paths, “Enter by the narrow gate” He said, “For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14) He said there is a constructive path that leads to eternal life through Him. However, it is narrow, hard to follow and has few people on it. Why? Because there is a great cost. The path requires immense personal sacrifice. It demands that one love the Lord God with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, with all his strength, and love others as he loves himself…including his enemies. That is costly, but the rewards are extravagant and immeasurable.

Jesus said there is another path, but it leads to eternal destruction, is wide, easy to follow and has many people on it. Why does it have so many? Because the choices are easy. You simply satisfy all your wants, needs and desires. You do not resist your urges or passions. However, the consequences are massive. One views the wide path as bringing freedom, but it actually brings slavery. One becomes a slave to their own destructive choices. It produces pain, sorrow, regret, guilt, shame and loneliness. Unfortunately, every one of us is born on this path. It is the default for all of us, because we were all born with selfish hearts.

So, what do we do? Each path represents a choice. God says to us, “Choose you this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). It is never too late. Jesus came from heaven to earth and shed His blood on a cross, that you might be set free. He died and rose again to provide you a chance at a new life. Today, you can choose to get off the wide path of destruction and step onto the narrow path of eternal life. What will you choose?

A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray you will examine each of our lives. Which path are we on? Show us O, Lord if we are on the wide road toward destruction. Open our eyes and help us in this moment to repent of our sin and trust in you alone for salvation, that today might be the start of new day for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Finding True Love

The path of love is moving faster than ever, nearly 20% of couples are having sex within their first month of dating.

- Clint Decker 

We had known each other professionally through her work as a State Representative, and in my work as an Assistant News Director at our local radio station. We also were both youth workers at different churches. One day Kathe came to me and asked. “I’m starting up a community wide youth ministry. We need someone to help with evangelism. Would you like to be on the board and lead that?” After thinking and praying about it, I agreed. As we worked together building Detour Youth Ministry, little did I know, God had more in mind then reaching teenagers for Jesus. Romantic desires for Kathe began stirring within me, where eventually I found myself saying, “I have these feelings for her, but what should I do?” I had to decide where to go with all this. As I sought God’s wisdom, I realized she needed to know how I felt, and I needed to know if she felt the same.

We met for lunch, where I shared my feelings for her, and to my delightful surprise she felt the same. Then I asked, “I’m not interested in just dating, but dating with a view to marriage. Are you willing to start seeing each other with that understanding?” My request took her by surprise, but after some thought and prayer she agreed and on June 23, 2002 our lives were forever changed.

The path to love we walked had a set of moral boundaries. However, in today’s world that is a thing of the past. Instead, we live by desires, circumstances and whatever is convenient at the moment.

A government study revealed that 70% of today’s couples are desperate for true love, moving in together before marriage. This means the path of love is moving faster than ever. Another study showed that nearly 20% of couples had sex within their first month of dating.

In today’s relationships there is the first date, second date, the first touch of the hands, the first embrace, the first kiss, then sleeping together…all sometimes within 30 days. Where is the budding romance? Where is the love story to retell children and grandchildren?

We want, whatever we want…instantly. This includes love and happiness. But where do these fast-moving relationships without moral boundaries end up? Sometimes they lead to unplanned pregnancies, emptiness, disappointment, divorce or adulterous affairs.

Listen to the wisdom of God who says, do “not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” (Song of Solomon 3:5) God is warning us not to awaken the passions of love too soon. There is divine wisdom in employing self-control over our urges, while letting the shrouded mysteries of love stir within us. Over time we allow it to mature, grow and become a blossoming beautiful flower that can be cut at its peak of beauty at just the right time.

God created us with the capacity for love. How do we know when to move forward and awaken this love? The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5,6). While walking on the path of love that is filled with ups and downs and turns and twists, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and trust Him through it all.

Jesus died and rose again, so that we would realize He is all we need. When we walk the path of love without Jesus, we feel we need the love of a special person for meaning or significance. However, when we turn from our way and trust in Jesus with all our heart, then we discover something new. Jesus is all we need. We learn that the love of a boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse is a bonus. It is no longer something we are desperately searching for, because we have found all we need in Christ.

A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray that you will help us to not go looking for love or pleasure in a person. Open our eyes and let us see that you are all we need. Lead us to trust in you with all our heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.