Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Do You Have a Good Name?

“When your name is said in your community,

 what do you think comes to a person’s mind?”

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” (Proverbs 22:1) What do you think of that statement from the Bible? It should make you stop and reflect on the kind of life you are living. (Image from iStock)

When your name is said in your community, what do you think comes to a person’s mind? What about among your family and closest friends, those who know you best, who know both your good and bad? What about with God? Keep in mind, He is a Spirit that is present everywhere all the time. Meaning, He has seen everything we have ever done and heard everything we have ever spoken. He also knows everything that has ever passed through our mind: all images, thoughts and motives. Based on that, what if someone came to God in heaven and mentioned your name to Him, what do you think would come to His mind?

The Bible verse clearly communicates that a person’s name has significance because it is a reflection of their life. And it states that a good name is to be chosen over riches. What does riches mean? It refers to a person’s strong focus on increased income, possessions, influence and all the different things that money can do at the expense of a good name. But what is at the heart of the pursuit of riches? Self. We want, what we want, when we want it. This reveals our perspective on life. First, we are the most important person in our life and primarily focus on what has a direct or indirect benefit on us. Second, we are only focused on the present or future of this life.

What does the proverb mean by desiring a “good name”? It does not primarily refer to a good name among people, because that would lead to pleasing others in order to be accepted by them. It indicates desiring a good name before God and acceptance by Him. This is the wiser and to be sought out above everything else in life.

How does one achieve a good name? It starts with admitting your life has been primarily about you, which has led to disobedience against God and the disrespect of others. It is lifting your eyes off yourself and up toward God’s only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again. It is calling upon God in faith, asking Him to help change your ways, and maybe even going to others to make things right whom you have wronged. It is God pouring His Spirit within you and giving you His character and power to live differently. And according to His Word, your life will start to become marked by a new set of qualities: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

The new life God will bring upon us will have three amazing promises. First, we will receive a new name. Yes, we will keep our previous name, but in being changed by God our name will become “good” by Him, thereby becoming new. Second, Jesus promises that our new name is written down in a book of life He possesses. Third, He promises that one day in the future, beyond this life, He will confess our new name before God the Father in heaven and all the angels.

If you continue living as you are, the God who knows all things will judge you accordingly and the present and eternal consequences that come will be justified. But if you desire a good name and favor with God above the temporal things of this life, and turn to Him with all your heart, you will escape His judgment and receive a new name that one day will be voiced among the angels.

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray you will help us to examine my ways. Have we been only living for ourselves and this life? Have we disrespected others and disobeyed You in the pursuit of our interests? Lift our eyes toward You, for You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Save us. Change us. Give us a new name that we might live honorably before You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Parents, Change Starts with You

“The harmful choices of one generation

 gets passed on to the next through


How do the choices you make affect your children and grandchildren? I read the following from a woman about her family, Everyone in my family for the past four generations has cheated — except for me and one cousin. (And I’m not sure about him.) My great-grandfather’s affairs were legendary, and I now own the mirror he bought my great-grandmother as an apology after one particularly public affair. My grandmother had affairs. My grandfather [did to], and used to take my father along to see his [lovers]. My father cheated with girls I went to high school with, and my sister has never had a relationship in which she hasn’t cheated. One cousin has been divorced four times, and is always engaged to the next one before the divorce is even filed.”(Image by Denise Husted from Pixabay)

How does this happen where the hurtful decisions of the parents are repeated by the children? We see this in a range of moral choices from divorce, sex outside of marriage, gambling, alcoholism, physical abuse and more. We see it in lifestyle choices like living in financial debt and maintaining an unhealthy life leading to obesity. We also see it in various attitudes and beliefs that are passed down to each generation.

The harmful choices of one generation gets passed on to the next through influence. It is written, Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” (Proverbs 13:20) When children are young and impressionable, who are their biggest influencers? Family—parents, grandparents and siblings. And if those influencers are wise, what a blessing, but if dad and mom engage in foolish, reckless and immoral behavior in those early years, the children are likely to repeat the same things.

What is another word for bad moral choices? Sin. It is where we fall short of God’s perfect standard. Parents and children are all born with this inner corruption, which leads them toward rebelling against God’s ways. However, parents play a key role through influence. They can either lead their children away from God and deeper into a sinful lifestyle, or they can lead them toward God, and show how they can be free from the power of sin. How can a parent do this?

1)    Examine your life to see if there are areas where you have provided an ungodly example, and thereby influenced your children. 

2)    Be willing to stop and change your ways for the sake of yourself and your family.

3)    Turn toward Jesus by faith, and call upon Him with a desperate heart to change you.

4)    Through the power of God, be transformed and live the difference every day before your family.

5)    Teach your children and grandchildren the ways of God, that they would follow after them.

6)    Earnestly pray for them, that God’s Spirit would change their hearts, just like He did yours.

7)    Accept responsibility for how you influenced your children, but do not bear the guilt of their own independent choices.

8)    Step out of the way and let God work. Do not let your guilt from past choices cause you to be an enabler or rescuer of your children. Give them to God, and let them succeed or fail because of their own choices. The Scriptures say, “Let each one test his own work…For each will have to bear his own load.” (Galatians 6:4-5)

9)    Be patient and endure. It took time for you, and it will take time for them.

10) Be filled with optimism and hope. No matter how hard it is, how you are treated or how long it takes, believe that nothing is impossible with God.    

A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray that the cycle of harmful choices that have been passed down from parents to children for generations. Let the family tree be changed today! The death and resurrection of Jesus, shows us that change is possible and how nothing is to big for God. Come, Lord, change our own hearts as parents. Come, Lord, change our family! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

When The Laws of God and Man Clash

“These are divisive times like we have not

 seen in generations. How shall we live in

 such polarization?”

President Abraham Lincoln once said, referring to America in the face of civil war, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” And Aesop, a great thinker and story teller of history, wrote something similar, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
(Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash)

America is facing tremendous division, and the future of our land of liberty is at stake.

What is dividing our nation? It is a division rooted in fundamental differences of values on very important moral and spiritual issues. They are hotly debated topics like abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, illegal immigration, climate change, election interference, Covid vaccines and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).

These issues have been formed into governmental laws and policies that either further promote or restrict them. And whether someone be known or unknown, if they oppose an agreed upon narrative for these divisive issues, then they could be subject to a form of persecution. They may have their social media accounts shut down. Other online companies may end their relationships with them. Their banks may no longer do business with them. They may be fired from their job. They may be subject to state or federal investigations. They may be sued. They could be arrested. They could be jailed.

These are divisive times like we have not seen in generations. How shall we live in such polarization? Does God have anything to say?

The New Testament was written to followers of Christ under attack because of their beliefs and practices, which stood in opposition to various Jewish, Roman and Greek laws and traditions. The times we live in are unique to us, but not to the annals of world history.

Read what Peter, one of Jesus’ leading Apostles, wrote to Christians who were living under a godless form of government that was persecuting them, “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him…For this is the will of God.” (1 Peter 2:13-15) Then Peter went on saying, “But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.” (vs. 20)

Peter is saying straightforward that followers of Christ are to live as model citizens by complying with the law, but at the same time he recognizes that occasionally the two conflict. Sometimes doing what the Bible says (either directly or in principle) may violate the law. Then what?

Doing what God’s Word says is the definition of “doing good.” That can mean sharing the plan of salvation with others, providing material help to those in need, offering godly counsel to the struggling or standing for biblical truth and justice. Through Peter, the Lord God tells us to always press forward and do good no matter the situation we face.

Here are three points to keep in mind. 1) We should do good by faith at all times, while entrusting the outcome of our actions to the Sovereign King. 2) We should not let the sin of anger, bitterness or evil speaking be found on our lips toward those who oppose us. 3) We should be willing to fully accept all consequences that may come our way.

The outcome of this, is that we will follow Jesus’ example as He suffered unjustly on His way to the cross, doing good for the whole world.

In the divisive times we live be prayerful, walk wisely and always remember, in the eyes of God, it is eternally lawful and just to do what is good and loving.

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray against this evil that is dividing our nation. May the eyes of people be open to see the way before them that is true and just. And I pray for the church, that it would be bold, wise and loving, never fearing to do what is right and good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Driven to Want What Others Have

“Throughout human history, our lust for more and more has never been satisfied.”

Picture it in your mind.” That is what I was taught when I attended a conference soon after graduating from high school. It was to help teach me about goal setting and achieving success like I had read about in books. I wanted to be a famous, accomplished and wealthy businessman. Going down to the new car lot I thought would help. There I found the car of my dreams and visualized myself in the driver seat. Furthermore, on a piece of paper I wrote down how, “I want to succeed so I can have money to buy my dream car.” (Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash)

I was a foolish 19-year-old, and did not realize it. I was driven by the accolades and financial achievements of others. I wanted what they had. Do you know what that is called? Coveting. It is probably not a word you have used in the last week, but it may be something you have been guilty of too.

The Lord God speaks plainly about this in the Ten Commandments, “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.” (Exodus 20:17) Coveting is greed. It is where you want more than what you have, or want what someone else has, for selfish gain. Jesus once said, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15) And what is coveting driven by? Lust, which is an evil desire that seeks to satisfy its passions, regardless of the cost.

Why is coveting condemned by God? Because of its perilous consequences. A married man covets another woman, which leads to an adulterous affair and a divorce. A woman covets more clothes and shoes, a nicer car and bigger home leading to severe debt problems. A man covets more achievements, a larger income and a bigger business leading to a wife and children that he rarely sees.

And many crimes are rooted in covetousness. Embezzlement, fraud, theft, robbery, extortion. In the end, divorce, fractured families, bankruptcy, job loss, imprisonment and even murder have all been the fruit of a covetous life.

Throughout human history, our lust for more and more has never been satisfied, but instead has led to self-destruction; for an individual, a family and sometimes even for a nation.

What is the answer to a covetous life?

The Bible says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who [covet] fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” (1 Timothy 6:6-9)

Here are four principles to an unselfish and generous life. 1) Godly contentment. Trust in God, where He alone is enough to satisfy all your desires. 2) Godly gratefulness. Be thankful to God for all you have, whether little or much. 3) Godly character. Put honesty, hard work, giving to others and personal integrity as a higher priority than the collection of things. 4) Godly perspective. Realize that all you get in this life, stays in this life and cannot go to the next. Also understand that God wants you to excel, but to do it for His glory, the good of others and not for selfish gain.

And how can you live like this? Only through Jesus. His sacrificial death and resurrection provided a way for you to be forgiven. And when you turn to Him, He will fill you with Himself and all you need to live a godly life that is filled with His joy, thankfulness and peace.

A prayer for you – Lord God, search each of our hearts if we are living a covetous life. Are we coveting another’s spouse? Are we coveting someone else’s successes? Are we coveting material things? If so, Lord, we call upon you to transform us. Change our hearts. Bring us to be content with all you have given us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Day God Died

“As the world lay dark and Jesus’ followers were reeling in disillusionment, a seismic moment in history shook the world to its core. Jesus rose from the dead!”

“Is God Dead?” was the iconic headline of the April 8, 1966 issue of Time Magazine. To this day it remains one of the most recognizable magazine covers of all time. The Easter season story gripped the nation during an era of cultural change, and at a time when 97% of the public expressed belief in God. (Image from Istock)

What was the article trying to communicate? According to the Time religion editor, John Elson, he wrote in his story, Princeton Theologian Paul Ramsey observes that ‘ours is the first attempt in recorded history to build a culture upon the premise that God is dead.’” Elson described the idea of God as dead in different terms based on upon various thinkers, from God’s irrelevance to God’s non-existence.

What were some of these academics basing their bold claims on? The evil happening in the world at the time and the emptiness of the church in response to it.

The ideas presented by Time Magazine, had some similarities to first century Christians at the literal death of Christianity’s founder – Jesus of Nazareth.

For three years His followers had believed in Him for the future of themselves, and their nation. Peter, the leader of Jesus’ Apostles once said to Him, See, we have left everything and followed you…” (Matthew 19:27) But then the unthinkable happened. He was arrested on false charges in the dead of night. It is written, Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.” (Matt. 26:51) And throughout the night, Israel’s corrupt leaders convicted Jesus on false charges which required death by crucifixion. It was a cruel and torturous form of death, that left Jesus nearly unrecognizable. The prophet Isaiah predicted how awful it would be, “…his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance…” (Isaiah 52:14)

In just a matter of hours, it seemed as though the three years of Jesus’ teachings and His movement was dead and irrelevant. Even though Jesus accurately predicted all this would happen in order to prepare His followers, they were left discouraged and fearful.

While the disciples were in isolation and mystified by all these events, there was something unfolding, which they did not understand.

Isaiah declared how the Jewish Messiah, who would also become the Savior and Deliver for all the world, would need to “be high and lifted up” (Is. 52:13) on a cross. Why? Because this was the only way He could save people from their sins. For Jesus did not come to save people from political oppression or the injustices of an evil world. This is something neither His followers nor enemies, fully understood. He came to save people from the very thing that makes the world evil. Sin. And there was only one way for that to be done. Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, had to die. Why? Because then His perfect blood would provide the necessary payment and penalty for sin. He would voluntarily do for the world, what no one could ever do for themselves. 

But one thing had to happen to secure it all. Jesus must not only die, but He must defeat death. How? By conquering it.

As the world lay dark and His followers were reeling in disillusionment, a seismic moment in history shook the world to its core.

Jesus rose from the dead!

As His followers went to weep at His grave, angels appeared to them saying, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” (Luke 24:5-6)

The death and resurrection of Jesus reveals to the world that God is alive and more relevant than ever. This story declares that our feelings, opinions and circumstances do not have the final say. No! It is the empty cross and empty tomb that declare what truth is. Jesus is alive! 

A prayer for you – Lord God, we believe you are the truth, not the things happening all around us. We confess our selfishness and prideful ways. Help us to turn to you in repentance and faith that we might be made new by the resurrection power of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


What If The Resurrection Never Happened?

“Never has there been one who has died, been buried, then days later raised from the dead to escape its clutches forever. No one except for one. Jesus.”

Over 150,000 people die each day globally. Never in my lifetime has there been a single news report about someone dying, then rising from the dead to not die again. In the years I have been a minister and conducted numerous funerals, never have I observed a single person that has been laid to rest, then raised up to avoid death again. In history there have been people who were dead for seconds, minutes or even hours—then came back to life. But never has there been one who has died, been buried, then days later raised from the dead, to escape its clutches forever. At no time has there ever been such a case—except for one. Jesus. (Image from Istock)

Understandably, the story of Jesus being resurrected has its critics. “A historical fact which involves a resurrection from the dead is utterly inconceivable” wrote the late Dr. Rudolph Bultmann, an influential New Testament German theologian. However, there are many who believe the biblical story of Jesus’ resurrection, such as Bible scholar, Dr. N.T. Wright, who has done extensive research on the resurrection. He says, “Because he is raised from the dead, he is Lord of the world, sovereign over the whole cosmos, the one before whom we bow the knee, believing that in the end every creature will come to do so as well.”

From the day Jesus’ tomb was found empty until today, the debate over Jesus’ resurrection has been as divisive as ever among scholars. What if the critics are right? What if Jesus died, but never rose from the dead? What if the resurrection never happened and there was no Easter to celebrate? This presents at least three major problems.

1-A spiritual problem.  According to Christian teaching, Jesus’ death provided the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of mankind’s sin. His resurrection completed the work. No resurrection would mean no forgiveness. Humanity would be cursed to bear the guilt and shame of their sin forever. All people would be destined to a vain life and fearful death because of no hope beyond ourselves. The Bible declares this, And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17)

2-A moral problem.  According to Christian teaching, God declares He does not lie and condemned the deceptive act among His followers in the Ten Commandments. If the resurrection never happened then God is a liar. Jesus is a liar. The whole Bible is a lie. The billions of Christians for the last 2,000 years are all liars, and Christianity is humankind’s greatest conspiracy. The Scriptures addresses this as well, And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ…” (1 Cor. 15:14-15)

3-A theological problem.  According to Christian teaching, Jesus was not a mere man but divine and His resurrection was ultimate proof. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, it would be legitimate to question the deity of Christ. If there was no resurrection Jesus was not divine, but a mere mortal. His miracles would be a hoax. His teachings would all be suspect. He would be nothing more than an influential historical figure like Socrates, Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.

What shall we say in response to all this? His tomb is empty. His bones have never been found. There were eye witnesses to His resurrection. One early follower said, “This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32). For centuries billions of these witnesses have been transformed by Him. This is the ultimate proof that Christ has risen. YES, JESUS IS ALIVE!

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray for those who doubt the resurrection. Hear their objections and provide understanding. Bring us all to know the truth of Christ and His power like never before. This day we declare our belief in the risen Savior and Lord of all.  In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Baptism – Can It Save You?

“Baptism is not enough 
to forgive or absolve your sins.”
When I walked into Terry’s hospital room, and saw her laying on her bed she said to me, “I was wondering when you were going to get here.” Her physical condition was deteriorating and she was not ready to face her Creator. As I got down on my knees and visited with her, we soon began talking about God, and I shared with her the good news of Christ. Later, as I was praying over her, she yelled out for God to save her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. It was an incredible moment. Weeks later when Terry was home and bed-ridden, she wanted to be baptized. So surrounded by family, and with a cup and towel I conducted her baptism. What a blessing! Then hours later Terry left this world to see her new Savior face to face. (Photo by Josue Michel on Unsplash)

What prepared Terry for her new home with Christ? Was it some of the good things she had done, her baptism, her faith in Jesus or something else?

Like with Terry, many times I have been at the bedside of the dying. If someone is fatally sick, and knows their time is short and their not right with God, they might request to see a clergyperson. If a dying person is baptized, are they saved? Have their sins been forgiven? Will they go to heaven?

Baptism is part of our American religious culture. Millions of followers in Catholic and Protestant churches have experienced the sacrament, from infants to adults, during memorable religious ceremonies filled with family and friends. Sometimes it is a quiet, solemn and reverent event. At other times it is filled with much energy and praise. The occasion is looked upon as an important religious milestone in a person’s spiritual life.

Why does someone get baptized? Because it is a command given by God in the Bible, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38)

A baptism ceremony is filled with beautiful and significant symbolism. As a person stands ready to be baptized, they are a picture of their old self, standing dead in their sin as Jesus hung dead upon the cross. Then as Jesus was buried, so they are buried. Their old self gets buried in the waters of baptism. The water is an image of the Holy Spirit washing them of all their sin while being immersed into the life of Christ and His church. Then as Jesus rose from His grave with a resurrected body, so the one being baptized is raised up out of the water, like a new creation. It is a powerful thing to watch, an honor to administer, but most of all, it is life changing to personally experience. The mighty grace of God is almost palpable in those moments.

What is the singular most important focus in baptism? Jesus.

It is not the water, the Pastor or Priest, nor the one being baptized. It is about Jesus, and a picture of His suffering, death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

Sometimes we can elevate the pomp and circumstance of a baptism ceremony above Christ. We can elevate the water above Him, believing it becomes holy. We can elevate the actual baptism above Christ, thinking that through it we can secure our eternal salvation.

Unless you have turned from your sins and to Christ, and placed your full trust in Him alone -- your baptism is meaningless. Do not believe anyone who says otherwise. Your baptism is not enough to forgive or absolve your sins. Only the blood of Jesus, which was shed from His cross can save you. Thankfully, Terry understood this when she cried out to Jesus in her hospital bed.

A prayer for you - Lord God, if there is someone reading this that has been deceived, believing the waters of baptism are greater than the atoning blood of Jesus, open their eyes to see the truth. Bring them to turn from trusting in a ceremony, and to repent of their sin and trust in Christ alone for their salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Curse of Sex Trafficking in America

“America’s devilish obsession with sex is the driver for innocent boys and girls to be ushered into the deep abyss of the sex trade.”

Along with millions of other movie-goers, my wife and I attended the blockbuster movie, Sound of Freedom. We did so due to the generosity of an anonymous donor that paid for the whole theatre! The theme of the movie came from a captivating line by Jim Caveziel’s character when he said, “God’s children are not for sale.” The movie took America by storm, framing the massive multibillion-dollar demonic sex trafficking industry in a compelling way. (Photo by Francesca Zama on Unsplash)

According to one source, “It is estimated that between 15,000 to 50,000 women and children are forced into sexual slavery in the United States every year…” And a few years ago, it was reported that over 50% of U.S. criminal cases for sex trafficking involved children. And not only does a massive number of victims originate from America, whom are shipped across the globe like cargo, but America also receives over 50,000 of these broken souls annually from other nations. Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking made this alarming fact about our nation, "The United States is the number one consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society."

America’s devilish obsession with sex is the driver for innocent boys and girls to be ushered into the deep abyss of the sex trade. We are doing this to our own kids, and the children of the world! This realization should drop every American to their knees, and plead for the Almighty’s mercy. It is written, “For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury…” (Isaiah 66:15)

Americans lust for sexually explicit material naturally leads some to enter the sex trafficking industry. Pictures and videos are not enough, so a man searches out ways to experience it first-hand, thus providing demand. Scrolling through sexualized videos on Facebook, YouTube and other social media. Watching R-rated and X-rated movies with steamy sex scenes. Paying subscriptions to secretively watch porn on various websites. These avenues, combined with a culture that permits and encourages such perverted activities has created our nation’s sinful cesspool.


We have soundly rejected God’s ways of preserving sex for a man and woman in the bounds of marriage, and are reaping its affects. The Scriptures say, “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” (Hosea 8:7) For decades a faithful remnant of the church has proclaimed God’s truth, warning Americans to stop this progressive escalation of sexual obsession. Yet, we have mockingly rejected that call and are reaping its consequences. Accordingly, God has given us over to our destructive passions. The Bible says, “Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie…” (Romans 1:24-25)

What shall we do? The root of America’s sex trafficking problem is a spiritual one. We have exalted our immoral and perverted lust for one another over our Creator God. Instead, lust has become our god of choice. However, God still holds out His hands of mercy. For He says to our nation, “I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices…” (Isaiah 65:2) According to His mercy, He sent Jesus to us, His beloved Son. And He says to all who recognize their disobedient ways and turn to His Son by faith, that He will joyfully grant immediate freedom from the slavery of sin. And He promises to wash away the deep stains of their sin and give them a transformed life.

A prayer for you – Lord God I pray that you will help us to see the connection between our obsession with sex and the curse of sex trafficking on our nation. Sexual temptations are so strong, but you are stronger. Help us to turn to you and cry out with a desperate heart, that we might be set free from our sexual sins, and destroy this evil from among us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Obedience to God is Optional. Right?

“Today, millions of church goers feel what they believe is more important than how they live.”

According to a study from Lifeway Research on the wide impact of pornography in America, “43 percent of people who use the Internet visit pornographic websites. Some 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites, with pornographic downloads representing 35 percent of all Internet downloads. Of the 40 million regular visitors, 33 percent are women. A full 70 percent of men age 18-24 visit porn sites monthly.” And Lifeway asked pastors about the impact of pornography on their congregations, and concluded that, “Large numbers of church attendees are included in the nearly half of all Internet users who visit porn sites.”

Wow! It appears that millions of professing Sunday morning Christians, after they attend church and hear the Word of God preached, go back home and stare at sexual images and videos on their phones or computers. How is that possible?

This highlights a massive problem in the American church. First, we have an urgent situation with porn in the pew. Second, the even bigger issue, is the disconnect between what someone professes and how they live. This means millions of people feel what they believe, is more important than how they live. It means they see obedience to God as merely optional.

Somehow large numbers of professing Christians have been exposed to a teaching that conveys how obedience to God does not matter. They have been taught to believe certain things, make certain religious professions and do certain religious duties, then God’s mercy will cover whatever they do not get right, and their home in heaven will be certain.

Since Jesus is the foundation of Christianity, is this what He taught?

Days before Jesus went to the cross, He spent much time alone with His disciples, preparing them for what was to come. He stressed the importance of two truths - love and obedience. He taught, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15) Then again, He said, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me.” (Jn. 14:21) And another time, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word…” (Jn. 14:23) And finally, “Whoever does not love me does not keep my words.” (Jn 14:24)

Jesus, the Master Teacher, was not emphasizing mere rule keeping to His disciples, but obedience to Him that springs from a heart of love. Not a romantic love that is mere feeling. No. Instead, a love that is rational, deliberate and willing to lay down one’s life for Him if necessary.

Obedience is non-negotiable. It is a must! It is an expression of true saving faith and authentic love toward Christ, who loved and obeyed His own Father by giving all for Him through the cross. Let us follow Jesus’ example.

This is so important. Everyone is heading toward an appointment with God their Creator. On Judgement Day He will examine each of us. When He does and says, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” What will you say? Jesus once predicted exactly how conversations will end up playing out. He stated that people will come to Him and say, “Lord, Lord” and He will reply, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do what I tell you?” (Luke 6:46) And that will be it. Our mouths will be shut, unable to offer any response and our eternal fate sealed.

While we still have time, let us get it right. Today, let us obey His command to stop sinning, and bring to an end, the sinful things we are doing. Let us obey His command to trust in Him with all our heart for our acceptance and forgiveness, and stop trusting in our own goodness and the religious things we do. Let us obey His command to walk in holiness and faithful obedience to Him until our final breath.

A prayer for you - Lord God, help us to recognize the importance of belief, but also of obedience. Help us to see the connection between a genuine love for Christ and genuine obedience. Help us O, Lord to live a life of faithfulness unto you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Church’s Finest Hour!

Only one entity has the message for our

 times. THE CHURCH. It was built for

 moments just like these.”

America is rotting from within. Lethal illegal drugs are being trafficked into our nation. Criminals are running our cities. Teaching children unthinkable immoral acts is championed. Justice is dependent on your political party and personal views. The family has been redefined. Gender is a personal choice. Killing babies before birth is a convenience. Lies are declared as truth to sway the masses, and truth is based on feelings. Why is all this happening? Because of America’s insatiable desire to satisfy her own lusts, and the consequences of that perilous pursuit. (Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay)

As result, our nation is becoming weaker and more vulnerable to our enemies with the passing of each new day. And the nature of this rot is a moral one, where the hearts of millions are controlled by a darkness that seeks their own personal ambitions above the needs of their neighbor.

Who can save us from this systemic evil that lives in the hearts of the masses? Who has the answer for this generational evil that has a hold on vital American institutions and on crucial areas of our culture?

Can the American military, with all its power, save us? Can Congress, the courts, or the President of the United States? What about our education system? I argue that there is only one institution that has the answers? Only one entity has the message for our times.

THE CHURCH. It was built for moments just like these.

It was created to flourish in periods of war, chaos, moral upheaval, widespread injustice, and in seasons of division and danger. These times have always become the church’s hardest, yet finest hours.

The church was born in the mind of God, established through the death and resurrection of Christ and is the embodiment of Christ Himself. For He is the church working through all His followers by His message, His works, His Spirit and His power. This all communicates a divine charge for the church - to be the presence of Christ to the world around us, and fulfill Jesus’ mission to them. And the central part of Jesus’ mission, was His unique message. It was nothing like what any other religious leader taught.

At the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus laid down what the theme of all His teaching and preaching would be when He declared, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)

What does repent mean? It refers to a change of mind, leading to a change of life. It is where one turns from their destructive sinful self, and to God by faith through Christ. And when they do, they are instantaneously transformed. About others who have experienced this, the Bible says, “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy…through Jesus Christ our Savior…” (Titus 3:3-6)

This was the message the Apostles taught and preached in the first century, and what the church was founded upon in its early years.

Sin was destroying people’s lives and the civilization they lived in, and it was only this message that could deliver them. It is the original message of the true church, and the message our nation so desperately needs today. To the enemies of the true Jesus, they frame it as words of hate, racism and bigotry. However, in the eyes of our Lord and Savior it is a message of truth, and one that is filled with love and compassion for a world on fire.

Rise up, O church. We need a remnant men and women who are filled with the boldness and courage of the Holy Spirit, to go forth and declare this timely message. The time is now!

A prayer for you – Lord God, stir the hearts of pastors and all believers. Remind them of your original message. Raise them up to call their neighborhoods and cities to turn from their evil ways and to faith in Christ. Bless their words as they speak forth your truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

What is Real Love?

“Is love more than just a feeling?”

What is love? An Internet search engine indicated over 12 billion results for that question. Billboard’s top love song of all time is Endless Love, which held the number one position on the charts for nine weeks. Lionel Richie and Diana Ross closed their hit song with the words, You'll be the only one, 'cause no one can deny, this love I have inside, and I'll give it all to you, my love…my endless love.” No matter if we are single, married, young or old - we want to know love. We want to find that special someone we can experience an endless love with.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as “a feeling of a strong or constant affection for a person.” I know this is a respected dictionary’s definition, but is this definition accurate? What if the feeling slips away over time? What if the feeling is for more than one person, especially after we are married? Is love really just a feeling?

 Love has a feeling nature to it. The Scriptures use beautiful imagery to describe this, “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.” (Song of Solomon 8:7) This God-given romantic love between a man and woman has a mystical attraction that draws them toward one another. It is an attraction that cannot be quenched, drowned or purchased with all the riches in the world.

Love has a moral nature to it. The Scriptures speak eloquently about this, saying “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

When words like patience, kindness, not envying, boasting, nor being arrogant or rude are used, it reflects the moral nature of love.  

When a woman uses sharp words to tear down her husband, children or boyfriend, that is immoral and no demonstration of real love. But when she shows restraint by being patient and not rude, that is love. 

Love has a deliberate nature to it. When a man is focused and determined in his work, he has a choice in how he will respond to that internal drive. Will he yield himself fully to his career and neglect his family, reflecting nothing of real love? Or will he not insist on his own way by deliberately loving his family, through focusing on them as well?   

How can we find this God-given romantic love, with high moral standards that puts others above ourselves? Is it beyond our reach? Is it possible for us to obtain it?

It starts with the author of love Himself - God. For the Bible says, “God is love,” (1 John 4:8) and true love can only be found in Him. Nowhere else.

To obtain this divine love, you must turn from your selfish ways and believe, or commit yourself fully to His Only Son – Jesus. The Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

In Jesus, God demonstrated real love when Christ suffered, died and rose again for you. He did that so the greatest barrier to real love can be removed from your heart – your self-centeredness. And it can be replaced with a new nature, one that is God and others centered. A nature that is filled with His supernatural love and divine power, to enable you to live out that love, even in the most difficult situations.  

A prayer for you – Lord God, we confess how we have hurt those whom we have loved, because it has been all about ourselves. We desperately want real love, but we need your help. Change our hearts, O God. Remove our hearts of stone and fill them with your divine love. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Facing America’s Painful Past

“There is a way for the dividing walls of racial hostility and injustices from the past to be broken down.”
When my wife and I took a personal trip to New Mexico, at one point we found ourselves standing in front of an old building that was half in ruins. It was surrounded by a cemetery with rickety crosses, some leaning to the left and others to the right. As we asked about the building, we were told it used to be a church, and as we learned what happened there, we were left speechless. (Photo by Clint Decker)

We were standing in front of the San Geronimo Church, and in February 1847 it became the eternal monument of the Taos Revolt.

The cause for the horrific tragedy began in 1846, when the American government was expanding westward, and American General Stephen Kearny marched into Mexican territory and claimed it for the United States. Soon tensions rose between the Americans, and the native Mexicans and Pueblo Indians. In retaliation for the Americans unjust oppression, the two groups joined together and carried out a bloody massacre on U.S. officials and their families. In response, weeks later the American military pursued the Mexicans and Indians, which ended at the San Geronimo Church near present day Taos, New Mexico. There American soldiers sought revenge by carrying out their own bloody massacre of over 150 men, women and children seeking refuge in the church.

The United States government should not have seized the lands they did, and neither should have either massacre taken place in retaliation against the other. All of it was preventable, and a dark part of Mexican, Pueblo Indian and American history. And what are the natural consequences of such evil? Divisive hate, anger and unforgiveness for generations.

When we look at the Taos Revolt, and the many others like it that took place between the expanding American government and Native Americans, what is the root of the problem? Is it about racial division - the white man versus the person of color? Is it about government corruption? Is it about a lust for power and control?

Those are all symptoms of the deeper problem, which is spiritual at its core. God describes the central issue, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Only a heart that is sick could hate another person because of their race, steal from others, or justify revengeful bloodshed.

God says, “You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15) Whether someone has their car stolen or their homeland, all forms of stealing are unjust and condemned by God. He also gives no justification for retaliatory bloodshed when He states “…never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” (Romans 12:19) Furthermore God declares, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Rom. 12:21) What happens when one is overcome by the darkness within themselves, and returns evil for evil? Then evil never leaves them, and they live in a perpetual cycle of hate and revenge for generations.

How can hearts like this have peace, and bring an end to this deadly cycle? Only one way. Through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. He came from heaven to earth, died and rose again to change the hearts of men and women. His death provided a way for dark and sinful hearts to be transformed. The Bible says, “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility…” (Ephesians 1:14)

The dividing wall of racial hostility and injustices from the past can be broken down. When people come to the cross of Christ in a spirit of humility, repentance and faith; lives will be transformed. And flowing from those changed hearts will be joy, love and forgiveness for one’s enemies.

A prayer for you – Lord God, you know about the injustices that have happened in our nation’s past. I pray that wherever there is division because of these evils, you would break down those walls through the healing power of forgiveness in the cross of Christ. Through Him, tear down the walls that divide us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

When Tragedy Strikes

“God does not hide from the fact that people often question Him in times of crisis.”

Sometime ago I was visiting with some high school seniors and asked them what their classmates thought about God. "They’re sometimes confused", they said. I asked them to explain. "They see bad things happen in the world and wonder why. If God is God, then why didn’t He prevent it?" As I heard their responses, I thought about how many millions of others, whether young or old, think the same thing. (Photo by Rhodi Lopez on Unsplash)   

One of the many reasons the Bible is my favorite book, is because it is transparent. It is a divinely inspired book about God that includes stories of the very things the teenagers were addressing. God does not hide from the fact that people often question Him in times of crisis. 

When Jesus, God’s only Son, hung on the cross and was near death, He looked toward heaven and cried out in anguish, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)

When King David led the nation of Israel, and was facing enemies who threatened the future of his country he wrote, "Why, O LORD, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" (Psalm 10:1)

When Moses was struggling to lead the Hebrew people, tragedy struck and the people rebelled. Moses lamented before God, "O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me?" (Exodus 5:22)

It is natural for us to question or even become angry at God when bad things happen. Let me share four practical ways we can respond to tragedy, based on how Jesus walked through His own dark valley.

1) Accept the reality of the curse of sin. When Jesus faced death He understood about the existence of the curse of sin in the hearts of all people, and in creation itself. He knew the lies He would face, the abandonment He would deal with and the horrific pain He would experience were all due to the presence of sin and evil in the world. Though He accepted this reality, He determined to walk through it, and by His divine power, would not allow tragedy to win.

As you go through your situation, accept this same reality, but also accept that Jesus is bigger, greater and more powerful than any tragedy.

2) Turn toward God, not away from Him. As Jesus hung on the cross and felt the weight of the world on His shoulders, He cried out, "Why God?" Notice, He turned His words of sorrow toward God, not away from Him, and remained faithful to Him to the end.

Tragedy has the potential to lead us away from God. We might put down the Bible or walk away from church. No matter how dark things get, refuse to turn away from God. Do not let your tragic circumstances have the final say. Instead, like Jesus, take your questions directly to God. Pour out your heart. Scream. Yell. Cry. Let it all out before Him.

3) Face tragedy with a spirit of forgiveness. Jesus faced the people responsible for His unjust circumstances with forgiveness.

 Unlike Jesus though, our tendency is to lash out, and want others to suffer like we have. And eventually, our anger, bitterness and unforgiveness become like chains around us making our suffering worse. Through Jesus, you can have those chains broken and fall to your feet.

4) Overcome by faith. The Scripture teaches that Jesus faced His death with joy. How could He do such a thing? Because He knew the future. He knew He would rise from the dead and overcome all the evil He was walking through. 

When devastating news comes, grab hold of Jesus. Let Him be your example and hope. He has overcome. And because He has, when you place your faith in Him, you will too.

A prayer for you - Lord God, we take our tragedy, whatever it is we are suffering with, and lay it at your feet. We turn from any unforgiveness toward others or anger toward you. Lord, save us from this dark valley we are walking through. Help us overcome. In Jesus’ name.