Today, you can choose to get off the wide path of destruction and step onto the narrow path of eternal life. What will you choose?
- Clint DeckerAt 16 years old, Justin was a hard worker, loved to help others and had a passion for politics. That is why a candidate for Governor took a risk and asked him to be a County Chairman for his statewide political race. He wound up doing a tremendous job. He helped the candidate win the county, which also provided the highest voter turnout in the state. (Image by Pixabay)
Tommy, also 16 years old, led a much different life. During one weekend, he played a role in slashing 34 tires. He became caught up in a bizarre tire slashing competition with other teenagers. People began filing complaints with the police, who launched an investigation. Soon Tommy’s mother found out, and with her direction, he voluntarily surrendered himself to police and was arrested.
These are two boys, on two paths filled with two kinds of choices. One destructive, one constructive. Across America, everywhere we go, every town, whether big or small, is filled with Justins and Tommys. The two paths bring very different results. One is a constructive life demonstrated by generosity, humility, integrity and a selfless spirit that puts the needs of others above self. The other path is a destructive life. It displays a narcissistic spirit which puts the needs of self above others. It shows impatience, arrogance and rudeness.
God’s Son, Jesus, spoke of these two paths, “Enter by the narrow gate” He said, “For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14) He said there is a constructive path that leads to eternal life through Him. However, it is narrow, hard to follow and has few people on it. Why? Because there is a great cost. The path requires immense personal sacrifice. It demands that one love the Lord God with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, with all his strength, and love others as he loves himself…including his enemies. That is costly, but the rewards are extravagant and immeasurable.
Jesus said there is another path, but it leads to eternal destruction, is wide, easy to follow and has many people on it. Why does it have so many? Because the choices are easy. You simply satisfy all your wants, needs and desires. You do not resist your urges or passions. However, the consequences are massive. One views the wide path as bringing freedom, but it actually brings slavery. One becomes a slave to their own destructive choices. It produces pain, sorrow, regret, guilt, shame and loneliness. Unfortunately, every one of us is born on this path. It is the default for all of us, because we were all born with selfish hearts.
So, what do we do? Each path represents a choice. God says to us, “Choose you this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). It is never too late. Jesus came from heaven to earth and shed His blood on a cross, that you might be set free. He died and rose again to provide you a chance at a new life. Today, you can choose to get off the wide path of destruction and step onto the narrow path of eternal life. What will you choose?
A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray you will examine each of our lives. Which path are we on? Show us O, Lord if we are on the wide road toward destruction. Open our eyes and help us in this moment to repent of our sin and trust in you alone for salvation, that today might be the start of new day for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
These are two boys, on two paths filled with two kinds of choices. One destructive, one constructive. Across America, everywhere we go, every town, whether big or small, is filled with Justins and Tommys. The two paths bring very different results. One is a constructive life demonstrated by generosity, humility, integrity and a selfless spirit that puts the needs of others above self. The other path is a destructive life. It displays a narcissistic spirit which puts the needs of self above others. It shows impatience, arrogance and rudeness.
God’s Son, Jesus, spoke of these two paths, “Enter by the narrow gate” He said, “For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14) He said there is a constructive path that leads to eternal life through Him. However, it is narrow, hard to follow and has few people on it. Why? Because there is a great cost. The path requires immense personal sacrifice. It demands that one love the Lord God with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, with all his strength, and love others as he loves himself…including his enemies. That is costly, but the rewards are extravagant and immeasurable.
Jesus said there is another path, but it leads to eternal destruction, is wide, easy to follow and has many people on it. Why does it have so many? Because the choices are easy. You simply satisfy all your wants, needs and desires. You do not resist your urges or passions. However, the consequences are massive. One views the wide path as bringing freedom, but it actually brings slavery. One becomes a slave to their own destructive choices. It produces pain, sorrow, regret, guilt, shame and loneliness. Unfortunately, every one of us is born on this path. It is the default for all of us, because we were all born with selfish hearts.
So, what do we do? Each path represents a choice. God says to us, “Choose you this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). It is never too late. Jesus came from heaven to earth and shed His blood on a cross, that you might be set free. He died and rose again to provide you a chance at a new life. Today, you can choose to get off the wide path of destruction and step onto the narrow path of eternal life. What will you choose?
A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray you will examine each of our lives. Which path are we on? Show us O, Lord if we are on the wide road toward destruction. Open our eyes and help us in this moment to repent of our sin and trust in you alone for salvation, that today might be the start of new day for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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