Friday, July 26, 2024

How to Know What is True or False

“How can we know what is true, and protect ourselves from believing lies?”

One day while I was reading the news, a major national story appeared, written about a friend of mine. I was deeply troubled by what I read, as it detailed many illegal things he had done. But as I read, I thought to myself, “Something just doesn’t seem right. This doesn’t sound like David.” So I picked up my phone and gave him a direct call and walked through the story with him. Then I did my own research afterwards, and in the end, I found the news story about him to be filled with many lies. (Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash)

How do we know if the information we come across is true? Maybe some will say, “It sounds believable” or “It comes from a reliable source.” Since we live in a time of so much creative deceit how do we protect ourselves from believing lies? How can we know what is true so we can make decisions or accept certain beliefs on things?

We need wisdom.

Let us call out for wisdom and seek it like a valuable hidden treasure in our backyard. The Bible speaks of people who “…have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” (Hebrews 5:14) Discernment is a form of wisdom. It gives a person understanding and good judgment.

When what is true could be false, and what is false could be true, we need discernment. When the pressure is on from family or friends to make decisions, we need discernment. When our job, health, finances, or our very lives are at stake we need discernment. It helps us see more clearly what is true, so we can wisely respond to what is before us.

How do we practice godly discernment? 1. Pray. Ask God to provide you with discernment in your situation so you can make a wise decision. 2. Read the Scriptures. It is the source for wisdom, where God will show you something in His Word to give you needed guidance. 3. Identify the costs. There are consequences to decisions, so identify what they are before you decide. 4. Identify pressures. List out the various pressure points you are feeling, and where they are coming from. 5. Research. Take time and effort to read, ask questions, learn and gain as much information as you can. 6. Get advice. Search out for a few people you would consider to be wise and get their input. 7. Trust God and act. After you have done all this, there comes a time to stop dithering, place your complete faith in God and take action.

Godly discernment is a faithful guard, protecting us against lies, deception and manipulation. It can literally save our life and the lives of those whom we love. But there is a high cost. It means we question things when we are discouraged from doing so. It means we may have to separate from the crowd and go a different way. Though the cost is great, the benefits are worth it. There is a peace that abounds, knowing we have chosen to do what is right. There is also a peace that comes from obeying God as best as we understand, and believing He will take care of the unknown.

How do we obtain such wisdom, that the Bible calls more valuable than silver or gold? It comes through a covenant relationship with Jesus. He is the very embodiment of wisdom. When we turn from our disobedience, and call upon Him with all our heart, He will save us and give us the gift of Himself, and His wisdom.

A prayer for you - Lord God, open the eyes of the confused, frustrated, fearful and anxious. Give them godly discernment in the situations they face. Turn them toward yourself, for you are the wisdom they so desperately need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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