Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How to Fight and Win Against Corruption

“How do you confront corruption? Fight lies

 with the truth. Arrogance with humility. 

Human cleverness with heavenly wisdom.

 Hate with forgiveness.” 

When I was traveling internationally, I went to pay a fee to enter a tourist area but was restricted from paying in cash. Only digital transactions were allowed. When I asked why, I was given one word – corruption. It was because the attendants who would receive the cash, could potentially pocket some of it. (Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash)

I read about one country that organized an Ethics and Anticorruption Commission within their own government, while in the early 2000s the United Nations held a Convention Against Corruption. What is corruption? The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that it is “dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people.”

The first act of dishonest behavior occurred in the Garden of Eden, through our first parents, Adam and Eve. Their dishonesty brought about the curse of sin upon the world, and from that day forward every human was born with a corrupt heart. And as people occupied places of power, corruption naturally followed. Today, it is found everywhere, from religion, to education, government, business, media and more.

And the most egregious illustration of corruption ever found in world history is in the events of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. This is written about in the Bible, “Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death…” (Matthew 23:59) Peter, one of Jesus’ leading disciples, rightly accused the Jewish leaders of their illegal actions, forcefully stating “…you denied the Holy and Righteous One…you killed the Author of life…” (Acts 3:14,15)

How did Jesus respond to this corrupt scheme being carried out against Him? 1-Jesus saw the events from a heavenly perspective. He did not get caught up in anger, anxiousness or confusion by seeing things from an earthly viewpoint. No, He understood the circumstances from the bigger picture. 2-Jesus responded with truth. During His unjust trial, when being pressed for answers about Himself, He said, “I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 26:64) He chose the greatest weapon in His divine arsenal to fight corruption – truth. 3-Jesus trusted in His Father. He knew there was a divine plan that was being carefully carried out under His watchful eye. Jesus entrusted Himself to His Father’s all-powerful hands.

His followers though, were confused and disillusioned. After Jesus died on Friday and then buried, they thought, “It’s over.” On Saturday He still lay dead in the tomb. Perhaps they wondered, “Had the corrupt practices of men defeated the King of kings? Was evil and lawless scheming awarded victory over the Son of God?” Absolutely nothing made sense…until Sunday morning.

As the sun slowly inched above the landscape and its beams shot across the horizon, some women came to the tomb of their Lord, while weighed down with grief. As they approached, the ground shook violently. Then suddenly, an angelic being appeared sitting atop the stone that covered Jesus’ tomb. It had been rolled away! The angel told the women, “[Jesus] is not here, for he has risen…Come, see the place where he lay.” (Matt. 28:6)

Yes, He had risen! The corrupt schemes of men had been defeated, and the religious and political leaders were left powerless to cover up history’s greatest miracle.

In every nation on earth, in all groups or organizations known to man, corruption is present at some level. How shall we live in times like these? Just like Jesus. Fight lies with His sword of truth. Arrogance with humility. Human cleverness with heavenly wisdom. Hate with forgiveness.

Corruption can confuse, intimidate and give the appearance of victory. Yet, God is patient and true to His Word. Evil will be defeated. And the webs that the deceitful weave for others, will be the very beds they fall into themselves.

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray for the deceitful. Show them the error of their ways. Let them see the danger they are putting their souls into. Bring them to turn from their ways and to you with all their heart. Make the corrupt into new creations in Christ. Change them, O God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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