Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Highway to Hell

“Some joke about hell, while others have serious questions. Is it real? What’s it like? Who goes there?” 

In 1979 the rock band, AC/DC released their best-selling album, Highway to Hell, which is getting renewed interest these days. The blunt lyrics from title track say, “Don't need reason, don't need rhyme, ain't nothin' that I'd rather do, goin' down, party time, my friends are gonna be there to, I'm on the highway to hell.” The album sold 7 million copies, and lead singer Bon Scott died of alcohol poisoning at the end of the album tour. (Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash) 

Some, like AC/DC, sing about hell in a jesting manor, while others address it with serious questions, “Is it real?”, “What is it like?”, “Who goes there?”, “How does someone avoid hell?” Growing up, I was in church all the time since my dad was a pastor, and when I came to hear about hell, it scared me. Yet, I never asked my dad or anyone else about it, I just buried my questions and kept living my own way.

For many, when they contemplate hell, the very existence of it seems unjust. Why would God create such a place of eternal darkness and torment? Some might consider hell a perfect place for people who have done the most heinous acts one could imagine, but not for most people, who are viewed as generally good. And the idea of hell seems confusing, when the majority of preachers talk about how loving God is, which seems incompatible with the biblical doctrine.

To understand the very concept of hell, we need to go back to the beginning. God is the Creator of all mankind. It is written, “God created man in his own image.” (Genesis 1:27) This means some of the qualities God has, He made within us. Take justice as an example. If you look across all cultures, races, ethnicities over the span of time, they all have laws in which to operate their societies, and all have some type of justice system for violating the laws. However, the justice of mankind is sometimes unjust. Why? Because as humans we are imperfect, and consequently, the world’s judicial systems do not always get it right, and in some cases, can be corrupt.

However, God is not like us. He has a perfect judicial system, because He is perfect, and applies His law and exercises justice without bias or favoritism.

The very reason for the creation of hell is the display of God’s perfect divine justice. Jesus once stated how hell was originally an “…eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41). Since God’s enemies violated the laws of heaven, He carried out justice upon them. Therefore, when mankind began to rebel against the Lord by violating His laws—the arm of God’s justice reached down toward us too.

Because we have fallen short, God has the legal authority to sentence us to hell, rightly exercising His divine justice. But in the midst of God’s heavenly courtroom, something curious is spotted. His mercy. It is noticed when a peculiar person walks through the door. The Judge says to Him, “Hello Son. Welcome and take a seat.” His name is Jesus.

God’s only Son was sent from heaven to earth to die and rise again for the injustices of mankind, for they violated His divine law. Jesus willingly gave Himself to suffer the punishment for mankind’s wrongs. The wrath of God that should have been poured out on us, was done so on Jesus---who was perfect and without sin. It is written, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God…” (1 Peter 3:18)

Because of Jesus, everyone has the opportunity to escape the judgement of God and receive His mercy. Today, come out of the darkness and into Light of Life. Turn from your disobedience and trust in Christ. Hear your Creator’s call. Exit off the highway toward hell and welcome His marvelous grace and mercy.

A prayer for you – Lord God, I pray the eyes of people will be open to the reality of hell. Bring people to place their faith in you, that they would avoid such darkness, and be brought into the Kingdom of your beloved Son. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Bev Lippert Caley said...

Thank you for sharing what many churches will not touch but needs to be heard.

Tom M. said...

Good morning Clint.
Hell is real and is the starting destination for each one of us. We are born on the "highway" to hell.God doesn't want or put us on that road that was determined through the disobedience of Adam. A world without rules and someone to carry out the consequences of our actions turns into total chaos. Just look at what's going on now.
Gods plan for the universe is total from beginning to completion. God did not create hell by accident nor did He deign a perfect salvation from it by accident. Through His Son He provided us a road away from hell. That's the choice we have to make. Our destination is in our own hands just as it was in Adams. His plan for us is perfect.