Tuesday, May 28, 2024

God, Don’t You Care?

“We view situations from our perspective and sometimes question God. But all-the-while Jesus is saying to us, “Look, I am here. Won’t you trust me?”
There were over 1,300 confirmed tornados last year, causing death and destruction from rural to populated areas. Medical debt is weighing down one out of every 10 Americans and leading tens of thousands to file for bankruptcy. In 2023 the federal government seized the equivalent of 381 million doses of fentanyl, and the lethal drug was responsible for over 74,000 deaths. (Image from Pixabay)

No matter if you are cleaning up after a natural disaster, trying to survive a financial crisis or are grieving a sudden death due to drugs or something else it is normal to say, “God, where are you? Don’t you care?”

Jesus’ own disciples felt this way on one occasion when they were facing certain death on the high seas. Once after a long day of ministry to people, Jesus and His disciples climbed into a boat to cross the waters. They pushed out and settled in as they rowed to their destination. Some of the disciples, due to their experience, knew how to navigate the waters well, so were at complete ease. And shortly after they were on their way, Jesus laid down and fell fast asleep.

Very soon however, the winds picked up and they found themselves in the middle of a full-blown storm. The wind speeds were high and created large waves that crashed down on their boat. As they began taking on water, the experienced seamen became fearful their lives might be lost.

Meanwhile, Jesus was unfazed, and amazingly continued in a deep sleep. His disciples, agitated and filled with fear, angrily awoke Him saying, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38).

Jesus then stood, looked out on the stormy sea and spoke firmly and directly to the wind and waves, “Peace! Be still!” (Mk. 4:39) And immediately the winds calmed and the waters became still. The disciples stood in amazement and looked with astonishment at each other saying, “Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?” (Mk. 4:41)

When the disciples woke Jesus, they had a question for Him. This time, Jesus had one for them. He pointedly asked, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mk. 4:40)

The disciples were fixated on the storm and became controlled by fear and doubt. They lost all sense of reason. With Jesus, the Creator of heaven and earth on board, did they really think all of them were going to die?

Jesus’ question was to bring a sense of clear thinking, not just peace, back to their panic-stricken minds. The crisis revealed to the disciples who Jesus was and how He can be trusted, even in a time of overwhelming odds. He showed how He was not a mere man, but God in human form. And as such, He has power over nature, the devil and his demons, sickness, death and even evil itself. He can simply speak and these powers must submit and obey Him because He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Which then leads Jesus to rightly ask all of us, “Since I am Lord over all. Why are you so afraid and have no faith in me?”

All of us can have tough, direct questions for God in times of crisis. “Why God?” “Where are you?” We view situations from our human understanding and sometimes accuse God like the disciples, but then Jesus responds, “Look, I am here. Will not you trust me?” But to trust, means we need to turn from our understanding, and turn to Christ. Even when things do not make sense.

Christ is worthy of your trust. He died and rose again to show you who He is. Amid your fears, doubts and questions--trust Him. He is above all.  He is there. He is waiting. Yield to the All-Mighty Savior.

A prayer for you – Lord God, for those who are gripped by a storm, open their eyes to see you, for you are there. Speak peace to them and may they trust you, no matter what lay before them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


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