Monday, July 30, 2012

HOPE FOR TODAY - Responding To A Secular Humanist

America is facing one of the worst droughts in its history. By mid-summer 63% of our nation’s landmass was dry and over 2,000 counties in 29 states were declared natural disaster areas. The extremely hot temperatures and barren skies are causing a huge economic impact, which will affect every American, beginning foremost with our nation’s farmers.
Tom Vilsack, the Secretary of the USDA, has been watching the drought conditions closely. In a White House press briefing he said, “I get on my knees every day . . . And I’m saying an extra prayer now. If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.”

This comment bothered Tom Flynn, Executive Director for the Council on Secular Humanism. “It sends the wrong message to distraught farmers when the Agriculture Secretary suggests that the best response is to pray,” said Flynn. “For a Cabinet official to recommend prayer as a solution . . . may violate the Constitution’s prohibition against establishment of religion. Most important, though, is that prayer doesn’t work . . . Apparently Secretary Vilsack has been praying for rain every day; how’s that working out?”

A tenet of Mr. Flynn’s world view is Fairness and Justice. In response Flynn violated his own tenets when he mocked Vilsack’s beliefs, falsely accusing him of constitutional obstruction and intentionally misrepresented his views.

I live in an agriculture community that has been affected by the hot and dry temperatures. On the day Vilsack made his comment about prayer the clouds moved in, temperatures cooled and we received rain. Prayer works!

Prayer can be a loose word. Many world religions use the word “prayer”. As a Christian I pray to the one true God. He is no myth or legend. He is as real as the computer I am typing on. And He is the One who created heaven and earth and has power over the weather. No human being can lower temperatures, create a cloud, or send rain at a specific location, time or in a certain amount.

We should pray for our nation and also pray for the growing number of skeptics that doubt the existence of God and power of prayer. His desire for all humanity is to “. . . know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him” (Deuteronomy 4:35). May in Him they find their hope for today.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

HOPE FOR TODAY - Losing Our Way

The story of how a nation was formed along with its reason for existence is pivotal to its future direction. That is why the remembrance of July 4, 1776, is so vital for the United States of America. We must not forget. If we do, we will lose our way and put our future in jeopardy.

Patrick Henry, a ratifier of the U.S. Constitution, said "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” The cornerstone of America’s founding is God, the Bible and a clear Christian faith. The most valuable documents in our history and the story of our founding reveal this without question. However, the new age in which America lives, this element of our history has been buried with the shovels of political correctness and tolerance. Departing from it is causing us to lose our way and evolve into a morally and spiritually bankrupt nation. It appears that we the people are America’s greatest security threat and we are on the verge of collapsing in upon ourselves. The Scriptures say, “The nations have sunk in the pit that they made; in the net that they hid their own foot has been caught” (Psalm 9:15).

I believe the management of our national prosperity is contributing to our self-destruction. Since the industrial age America has prospered to become one of the wealthiest nations on earth. Wars and the Great Depression tested it, but we have continually bounced back becoming even more prosperous. However, has our nation’s wealth blinded us, causing our bountiful blessing to become our dreaded curse? Perhaps we are becoming our own gods thinking that through our wealth, education, technology and science we can keep this Great Experiment going.

Let us not forget the One who formed us into a nation. Oh, may it never be! There has not been one like it in the history of mankind. America is truly unique. The providential, Sovereign hand of our Creator has guided, blessed and used us in countless ways. Let us humble ourselves before Him. He has been our hope in the past and through God’s grace, may He be our hope for the future.

Monday, June 4, 2012


We are in the midst of an ongoing crisis within the ranks of our young men and what they are seeing is not inspiring them to become Men of Honor. Many are influenced by what they see in sports, music, television, movies and they are not seeing positive role models. Additionally, a growing number of young men, especially in our inner cities, are starved for good examples in their own home. Sadly, some just do not have a dad in their life. Indeed, a child who has grown up with a loving and honorable Father is blessed.

We need an army of Men of Honor whose lives can become the standard bearers for a future generation. What is a man of honor? It is a man whose life has great value, yielding the respect of those closest to him. A sparkling diamond is held in high esteem because of its incredible worth. It is the same with an ornament of pure gold or a garment of beautiful silk. Their worth breeds honor.

If we discover what makes a man valuable we will discover what makes him honorable. When a man leads his home with gentleness, protects those he loves with vigilance and possesses humility he is a man of honor.

What decreases a man’s worth and brings dishonor? When a man views his marriage vows as situational, walks in a spirit of arrogance and puts the needs of himself above the needs of those he is entrusted to care for he is a dishonorable man.

Is there a man who truly embodies honor? Jesus. He is THE MAN among all men. He invited 12 men to follow Him, whom He willingly led and mentored for three years. He stood up against the corrupt religious leaders of His day being a courageous voice for justice. He was a servant feeding the hungry, being a friend to social outcasts and healing the sick. Then He faced false accusations and death valiantly. His friends and enemies could find no wrong in Him. One enemy said, “I find no guilt in this man.” (Luke 23:4) He finished His life by dying a torturous death. Then He rose again conquering death and sin providing forgiveness and eternal life to millions of people who trust in Him today.

What a man of worth, and the highest of honor! May every man aspire to be a man like Jesus. May He be your hope for today.