Monday, July 11, 2011

HOPE FOR TODAY: Redefining the American Spirit

President Abraham Lincoln with congressional approval signed a proclamation calling for a national observance of “public humiliation, prayer and fasting” held in September 1861. Months earlier the Union troops came under fire at Fort Sumpter. History shows it was the beginning of the civil war. While pondering the fate of his nation, Lincoln shared these words with his fellow countrymen. He said to offer “fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, His blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace.” The President knew he needed power and wisdom beyond Himself. He knew only the God of heaven and earth could save his divided country.

Lincoln’s American Spirit was much different than our modern version. In the face of natural disasters, political turmoil or economic uncertainty, today’s leaders call on the American people primarily to depend on themselves. Today’s version of the American Spirit is human-centered. It calls for a tough, independent, self-determined mindset that comes with an accomplish-anything attitude.

Although it appears admirable and sounds great on the surface, is that really our nation’s best and brightest way to respond to crises? The self-reliant spirit that does not need God actually enflames the anger of God. However, the humble and God-fearing receive His ear and all of heaven’s resources. The Scriptures say, “For God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:6). Crises reveal our limits as mortal human beings. We cannot stop a tornado. We cannot purge injustice from our world. We cannot control the behavior of every person. Such things highlight our powerlessness. It shouts our need for a Savior outside of ourselves.

There is only one being who is all powerful, all knowing and eternal in existence who can intervene in the course of human affairs – Almighty God. Centuries ago, He intervened by sending His Son, Jesus, from heaven to earth. Through Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection God altered the direction of world history.

May the American Spirit come to be synonymous with humility before our Creator. When our nation faces future crises may a holy and humble remnant bow before the Most High and with unwavering faith watch Him work for good in our nation. May God Himself be our nation’s hope for today and future generations.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

HOPE FOR TODAY: Discovering a Man's Purpose

Tony Fadell. Have you ever heard of him? He was the architect of something you probably heard of – the IPod. Under the direction of Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, Fadell and his team developed the new technology. What was the purpose for this industry-changing gadget? According to Jobs, it was to put “1,000 songs in your pocket”.

The God of heaven and earth is the architect of human beings. He made men and made us with a purpose. What is it? As I read the Scriptures, I see repeatedly how God purposed a man to protect, provide and lead those whom they have responsibility for.

Society has its own idea about men. One is the TV-sitcom guy. They are portrayed as lazy, lacking character and more interested in being entertained than anything else. The other is the work-all-the-time guy. These men are consumed with work, highly driven and find their personal worth tethered to their occupation.

God called it “good” when he made the man, and into the fabric of our being He built an instinctive desire to protect, provide and lead. However, that is to be carried out within the framework of two very important commandments: love God and love others.

Men, this is where we get side tracked and draw some valid criticism. The TV-sitcom man thinks life is about his fun and the work-all-the-time guy his career. In neither case is there a humble attitude of love through service to those whom we have been given responsibility for.

God has a vision for your life as a man. It is discovered through Jesus, the standard for all men. He was one of the hardest working men of His day and during a time of crisis, we saw the heart of what a real man was. It was the moment He suffered and died upon His cross. There He willingly laid down His life for the sake of others. It was not about His entertainment, nor personal agenda. As men, we are called to live the same way. Regardless if you are married or single observe the humble attitude in this statement from the Bible, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).

Men, Jesus has pioneered a new path for you. Turn to Him and aspire to become the kind of man He was – and still is today. May He be your hope for today.

Monday, May 9, 2011

HOPE FOR TODAY: Great Power Calls for Great Responsibility

When Young Peter Parker was still growing into his newfound superpower as Spiderman, during a pivotal moment, he remembered a comment his Uncle made to him, “With great power comes great responsibility”.

No matter if someone is a leading political official, the top of a successful company, or the head of an influential organization they all have something in common. Their position comes with a level of power and authority.

The need for responsible management of power is essential, as some leaders will grow to like their power and work to retain it. As a result, self-preserving decisions will be made. In the short term, such decisions will bring success. In the long term, they will bring devastating consequences. Additionally, a power-hungry leader will begin to experience the inward effects of the poisonous cocktail they willingly drink. It is a potent mixture of pride, arrogance and selfishness along with a shot of greed.

Eventually, this poison will so weaken leaders that what they have built will mercilessly be ripped from their fingers in embarrassment and shame.

What if someone occupied the seat of power from the mindset of serving rather than receiving, humility rather than pride, generosity rather than greed? What if they never operated out of a self-preservation motive? What if they did what was right, good and just even if they knew it might cost them dearly?

There is an example of someone who did lead that way – Jesus. In three years, He rose from an obscure carpenter to one of the most powerful and influential figures of His day. Today, nearly 2,000 years later, His name is known worldwide and the movement He started, Christianity, numbers in the billions of followers.

Jesus made a startling statement that reveals His unique style of leadership, “For even the Son of Man [Jesus] came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

What would happen to our world if all those in positions of power led from the mindset of Jesus? What a difference it would make. May those with great power exercise great responsibility. May leaders choose to humble themselves before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, calling upon Him to change their hearts that He may be their hope for today and for those whom they lead.