Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How to Fight and Win Against Corruption

“How do you confront corruption? Fight lies

 with the truth. Arrogance with humility. 

Human cleverness with heavenly wisdom.

 Hate with forgiveness.” 

When I was traveling internationally, I went to pay a fee to enter a tourist area but was restricted from paying in cash. Only digital transactions were allowed. When I asked why, I was given one word – corruption. It was because the attendants who would receive the cash, could potentially pocket some of it. (Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash)

I read about one country that organized an Ethics and Anticorruption Commission within their own government, while in the early 2000s the United Nations held a Convention Against Corruption. What is corruption? The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that it is “dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people.”

The first act of dishonest behavior occurred in the Garden of Eden, through our first parents, Adam and Eve. Their dishonesty brought about the curse of sin upon the world, and from that day forward every human was born with a corrupt heart. And as people occupied places of power, corruption naturally followed. Today, it is found everywhere, from religion, to education, government, business, media and more.

And the most egregious illustration of corruption ever found in world history is in the events of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. This is written about in the Bible, “Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death…” (Matthew 23:59) Peter, one of Jesus’ leading disciples, rightly accused the Jewish leaders of their illegal actions, forcefully stating “…you denied the Holy and Righteous One…you killed the Author of life…” (Acts 3:14,15)

How did Jesus respond to this corrupt scheme being carried out against Him? 1-Jesus saw the events from a heavenly perspective. He did not get caught up in anger, anxiousness or confusion by seeing things from an earthly viewpoint. No, He understood the circumstances from the bigger picture. 2-Jesus responded with truth. During His unjust trial, when being pressed for answers about Himself, He said, “I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 26:64) He chose the greatest weapon in His divine arsenal to fight corruption – truth. 3-Jesus trusted in His Father. He knew there was a divine plan that was being carefully carried out under His watchful eye. Jesus entrusted Himself to His Father’s all-powerful hands.

His followers though, were confused and disillusioned. After Jesus died on Friday and then buried, they thought, “It’s over.” On Saturday He still lay dead in the tomb. Perhaps they wondered, “Had the corrupt practices of men defeated the King of kings? Was evil and lawless scheming awarded victory over the Son of God?” Absolutely nothing made sense…until Sunday morning.

As the sun slowly inched above the landscape and its beams shot across the horizon, some women came to the tomb of their Lord, while weighed down with grief. As they approached, the ground shook violently. Then suddenly, an angelic being appeared sitting atop the stone that covered Jesus’ tomb. It had been rolled away! The angel told the women, “[Jesus] is not here, for he has risen…Come, see the place where he lay.” (Matt. 28:6)

Yes, He had risen! The corrupt schemes of men had been defeated, and the religious and political leaders were left powerless to cover up history’s greatest miracle.

In every nation on earth, in all groups or organizations known to man, corruption is present at some level. How shall we live in times like these? Just like Jesus. Fight lies with His sword of truth. Arrogance with humility. Human cleverness with heavenly wisdom. Hate with forgiveness.

Corruption can confuse, intimidate and give the appearance of victory. Yet, God is patient and true to His Word. Evil will be defeated. And the webs that the deceitful weave for others, will be the very beds they fall into themselves.

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray for the deceitful. Show them the error of their ways. Let them see the danger they are putting their souls into. Bring them to turn from their ways and to you with all their heart. Make the corrupt into new creations in Christ. Change them, O God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I Will Never Forgive Him!

“It’s easier to forgive when someone apologizes, but hard to do when someone arrogantly refuses. This is when we need the power of God.”

“I will never forgive him!” Have you ever said that about someone who deeply hurt you? When someone lies, abuses or uses you – it hurts. It causes emotional injuries that swell up into resentment, anger or bitterness. And what the person has done, makes them a “debtor”. Meaning, because of what they have done, they owe you something to try and make things right. (Photo by unsplash)

In these situations, have you ever asked yourself, “What do I really want from them?” If they have committed a crime, maybe it is jail time. In extreme situations, where they have killed someone, perhaps the death penalty. In other cases, it might be an apology or replacing something they have vandalized or stolen.

Does our desire for someone to make things right always work? What if the offending person is already dead? What if the person is uncooperative and does not want to do anything? What if they try to, but it does not turn out so well. In the end, what would be enough to satisfy us?

Forgiveness is the only sure way of handling situations like this. It is written, “…as the Lord [Jesus] has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” (Colossian 3:13) Forgiveness is an often-used term in the financial sector, referring to the forgiveness of a loan or another type of financial debt. It is also used in relationships with the same idea. When someone has offended you, they have accrued an offense debt. They pay it off by admitting what they have done, making no excuses, and apologizing. Then in response they are forgiven, and peace is restored in the relationship.

However, it normally does not work that way. Typically, the person who has hurt you does not always come to make things right. Let me ask this tough question. Would you forgive the one who has hurt you--without them admitting any wrong? It is easy to forgive when the person genuinely apologizes, but hard when someone arrogantly refuses. It is situations like these where forgiveness is desperately needed but can only be done by the power of God.

In our natural humanness we will only forgive if someone meets our conditions for it. And when someone does not meet those, we refuse forgiveness. According to God’s standards though, He requires it. No matter the gravity of the offense. No matter the attitude of the offender. No excuses. God commands us to forgive.

Jesus provided us an example through His cross. He forgave those who put Him on there. For He suffered, died and rose again to provide forgiveness for their forgiveness, including you and me. And He chose to do it despite the arrogance of His enemies, and their rejection of Him.

Therefore, as He forgave His enemies, so we must forgive ours.

But what if we refuse to forgive, determining how the offenses against us is too great? If that is our choice, then we must consider the consequences, which is this--God will not forgive us.

Think about it logically. How can He forgive us, if we refuse to forgive others? How can He allow an unforgiving person into His forgiving eternal home?

In our natural state, it is nearly impossible to forgive, but with the power of God, it is possible. By faith call out to Him for help. Admit your weakness, but also your willingness to do it.

A prayer for you - Lord God, show us if there is anyone we need to forgive. Bring us to obey your command to forgive no matter how hard it is. Then empower us through the Holy Spirit to forgive, releasing the one who has offended us from any debt they owe. Enable us to forgive like Jesus and show His mercy to another. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Is It Too Late for America?

“In the midst of our rampant immorality and rejection of the things of God, is there hope for America?”

When the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, our forefathers built their hopes of the nation’s survival on some important principles. John Witherspoon, one of the Declaration signers wrote, “Nothing is more certain than that a…corruption of manners make a people ripe for destruction.” This is the principle of a civil society. Witherspoon and other founders repeated this ideal believing if America did not upkeep its civility, it would become its greatest downfall. (Photo by

When you scan the moral landscape of American culture, how would you judge it to be? Isaiah the Prophet, a spiritual leader in days long gone, was a student of the moral condition of his nation. He wrote, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.” (Isaiah 59:14-15)

What a poetic, yet accurate denunciation he made of his nation. Does this resemble America? Has justice turned back in our nation? Has truth stumbled in our public sector? Does the person who does good, make himself prey to the one who does evil? Is the character of our society known more by virtuousness or unscrupulous behavior? 

Truth has stumbled in America’s public square, while decency and honesty seem to be strangers among us. We are an immoral nation. There are no firm standards of right and wrong or good and bad. Instead, corruption is rewarded, while evil is framed by statute and applauded. Violence is justified, and deceitfulness is defended.

What Isaiah said has become a reality for our nation, “uprightness cannot enter.” In the Land of Liberty integrity is no longer encouraged. Truthfulness is silenced. Rightful justice is absent. And the one who walks away from corruption, violence and deceitfulness is vilified by the schemers of lawlessness. 

We are a people that have sunk to a moral low, “For our sins testify against us.” (Is. 59:12) God is not blind to all this, for it is written “The Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice.” (Is. 59:15) 

Who will pray for America while we are in this condition? Will the Lord find anyone on their knees seeking Him for His saving power? His judgment is coming. The Scriptures say, “According to their deeds, so will he repay.” (Is. 59:18)

Sometimes God repays rebellious nations through His appointed judgements, in order to humble them, “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:13-15)

Is it too late? Is there divine mercy available for our nation? Read what God Himself says, “And a Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who turn from transgression” God is looking for a faithful remnant, who will come out from among the lawless and live for Him. He has sent His Son to be their Redeemer. Through Jesus, He promises to be their God and they will be His people. And this remnant of the redeemed can be the means for a great spiritual awakening to descend on America.  

A prayer for you – God of truth and justice, our nation is in desperate need of you. In past days, we have seen you move mightily on our land. Do it again O God! Turn the hearts of the masses to you. Save us, O King of the Universe. In Jesus name. Amen.