Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Where Does Your Help Come From?

Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

“When you need help, where do you go? Choose to follow Christ and place all your trust in Him. He is sufficient for all your needs.”
Since the beginning of time, humans have always needed aid and protection. From needing food, water, shelter, medical attention to refuge from those who seek to do us harm. We typically have found that source of help from two places: within and without. From within, is that inner strength, wisdom and perseverance that is summoned. It is that drive to push us through our hard and difficult times. From without, are those places we go beyond ourselves. We may contact friends, family, our religious community or utilize other resources to give us the aid we need.

Every human for all of history has lived this way, with an exception. The worshippers of the one true God and His beloved Son, have walked differently while dealing with these instinctive needs. Read the words from the book of Psalms in the Bible, which is also ancient Hebrew poetry, “I lift up my eyes to the hills.” (Psalm 121:1)

The writer is referring to the city of Jerusalem, which sat upon an elevated, mountainous, hilly area. It was known as the city of God, where He lived among His chosen people. Consequently, it was always a city that people lifted their eyes up to, rather than looked down upon.

And when a resident of Jerusalem or of Israel was far away, he always knew what direction Jerusalem was. It was something he could see, without seeing. And when he would set his face toward Jerusalem, desire for it grew and inspired hope no matter the circumstances.

Was aide and protection found in a city made by brick and mortar through the hands of mere men? No! A city cannot travel with someone. And it only offers limited help from within. For a city’s edifices have the potential to crumble from an earthquake or be destroyed by an enemy. This is not referring to a city, but rather to the One who dwells within that glorious city. The Psalmist writes, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Ps. 121:2)

When Jesus died and rose again, no longer were people limited to access God only in a single temple, in a single city. For when Christ arose, He made a way for every soul that turns from their sin and trusts in Him by faith, to be a living temple. A temple where God’s Holy Spirit would take up residence and dwell within them. Then as he walks through life, he knows Almighty God lives both in heaven, within his heart and ever-present around him. Therefore, he can lift his eyes toward the heavens, bow humbly on the ground or just walk confidently on his way, knowing that His help comes from his Savior, who made the heavens and the earth.

The Psalmist also stated, “From where does help come?” (Ps. 121:1) He was communicating about the weakness of himself and the things of this world. The aid, support and protection he needs is limited if he relies solely upon himself. He is limited in knowledge, strength and morality due to his own corruption from personal sin. And the same regarding the things of this world; it all is limited and corrupted by sin. So what does a Christian do in good times and bad? He sets his eyes on the one true God. The Christian knows where his true source of protection, wisdom and power comes from. It comes from the living God who resides within him.

When you need help, where do you go? Do you trust in yourself or others? Choose to follow Christ and place all your trust in Him. He is sufficient for all your needs.

A prayer for you. “Lord God, are we looking to other places for our help beside you? Our own knowledge and wisdom? Other people or resources? We confess our negligence in not coming to you first. We repent and turn to you now. We seek you with all our heart. Change us O, God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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