Monday, November 14, 2022

Stand Up and Speak Up! Say Something!

“Jesus had to stand up and speak up and did so with wisdom and divine power. He was not compelled by national zeal. He was driven by a higher cause; the truth of His Father’s Word.”

What should we do when see people engaging in things that are clearly morally wrong? When evil and lawlessness is unfolding before us, how should we respond? To often, our natural human response is to let things go. We will think about it and talk about it, but in the end, we are hesitant, timid and extremely cautious to get involved. Did you know that God sees things otherwise? He wants you to stand up and speak up against things that violate His most holy Word. That is His gospel, the good news! How so? Because it can save people from the unknown and dangerous consequences of their foolish immoral choices.

As Jesus was nearing the end of His ministry, He approached Jerusalem, where He would be crucified. He came into the city with the adoration of the people, but something changed within Him when He stepped into the temple. As He looked around and observed what was happening, a burning zeal swelled up inside Him. He saw people buying and selling. They had turned His Father’s temple into a business. He responded to this evil with decisive boldness. He swiftly approached a man’s table doing business. He grabbed it and flipped it upside down, causing the money to fly everywhere. Then He proceeded to another table, and another. The merchants could see a burning in His eyes and none challenged Him. Then He spoke out to all who could hear, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’, but you make it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:13) Afterwards He continued to teach and minister to people, but the religious leaders became incensed at such actions.

Why did Jesus do this? The account shows no one forcing Him to do it. And if He would have done nothing, no one would have thought otherwise. He did it for the zeal of His Father and His Word. His passion for what was right burned inside Him. It grew to a holy and just anger over what He saw. He had to stand up and speak up and did so with wisdom and divine power. He was not compelled by national zeal. He was driven by a higher cause; the truth of His Father’s Word.

Jesus was the wisest man who ever lived. He knew He would anger the religious leaders, who had the authority to arrest Him. He knew it would create a chaotic and divisive scene. He knew He could possibly loose some followers. There was much risk in what He did, but He did it anyway. Why? Because He had to. Zeal for His Father so moved Him, there was no other option.

Where is such holy zeal today? We have many with a fiery national zeal, that rise up for things that violate our freedom of speech and religious liberty. But where are those with a heavenly zeal, that will stand up and speak up when God’s Word is violated?

Too many are willing to ignore or just talk about the evil things happening around us. Where are the pastors and local church leaders who are willing to address the sins of their community or nation at the risk of loosing members and finances?

Why did Jesus do this and why should we? To love our neighbor. When we respond to evil with a Jesus-like zeal and boldness, we are showing sacrificial love. Meaning, we are willing to sacrifice or risk it all to help people stop their sinful behavior and to turn toward Christ. There they will find forgiveness and newness of life. It will spare them from the eternal consequences of their darkened hearts. It is the most loving thing we could ever do for people. Are you willing to live like Jesus, no matter the cost?

A prayer for you. “Lord God, raise up a generation of divine zeal-filled men and women. Fill them with such a passion for you, your Word and others, that they are compelled to stand up and speak up for the glory of your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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