Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HOPE FOR TODAY: What it Means to Believe

Jesus, God’s only Son, was miraculously raised from the dead around A.D. 35 and still lives today. One of His disciples was a little skeptical. He was known as Doubting Thomas. Jesus appeared to him saying, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe” (John 10:27). Thomas responded “My Lord and my God!” (John 21:28). How many of us are like Thomas having sincere doubts?

Do you believe in President Abraham Lincoln? You may respond, “Yeah. I’ve read about him and seen pictures. He was a good man and one of our greatest Presidents.” However, what if I say, “Do you believe in Jesus?” The definition of “belief” in regard to Jesus is much different. The biblical synonym is “trust”. A good definition for belief in Jesus would be a “self-surrendering trust in the person of Christ”. One of the major reasons He died and rose again was that we might believe in Him.

Is Jesus calling us to believe (or trust) in Him, simply because He viewed Himself as a good man? He fed the hungry, cared for the sick, reached out to the minorities of his day and taught with unequaled wisdom. Indeed, He was a good man. The greatest that ever lived. However, if Jesus was just a good man that puts Him in the “created being” class (along with angels and humans). If that is true, how can we entrust our eternal soul and the weight of our entire being in His care?

Jesus’ death and resurrection changed everything. The blood that was shed during His torturous death provided for the forgiveness of sin for all mankind. Only one being in the universe has the sole authority and power to forgive sin. God. The Creator of heaven and earth. Jesus was not just a man. He was the one true God in human form. Additionally, only God has ultimate power over the cords of death. When Jesus rose again from the dead to never die again, He proved He was not just a man but was Deity! He was and still is the most Holy, most Righteous and most High God.

Jesus was calling Thomas, along with you and me to a self-surrendering trust in Him as Almighty God. He is worthy of our trust. He has proved it. May Jesus be your hope for today.

Monday, March 12, 2012

HOPE FOR TODAY: The Sin of Silence

I was stunned to hear about Whitney Houston’s sudden death in February. As a youth I was a huge fan of her music. What does her death have in common with Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson? They all battled the demons of substance abuse and to some degree, it contributed to their deaths. The crafted legacies by industry historians along with family and friends will give little or no attention to the substance abuse issues in their lives.

In music, film, politics, sports and even religion we want to paint successful figures in their given fields in a positive light for what they contributed. However, it is often not an accurate portrayal of their life. Edited out are their failures. Silenced.

I have been reading the Scriptures since I was a boy. One of the fascinating things I like about them is their honesty. You would think the stories in Scripture of the giants of the Christian faith like Abraham, Moses, King David, Paul and Peter would only feature their successes. God did include their incredible exploits, however, He also included their failures. Really embarrassing ones.

Where is the good news in relationship to our failures? Jesus came into our world to bring us this news. First, it means we admit our failures or sin to our self. We say “Self, I’ve got a problem”. Second, we admit to God, turning our lives towards Him seeking His help. Third, we admit to others who have been hurt by our actions. Fourth, we use our mistakes to help others avoid them. The sin of legendary King David in the Scriptures was written about at great length. He had an adulterous affair that he tried to cover up by killing his mistress’s husband. After a period of time he finally admitted what he did. He sought God’s forgiveness then said, “I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you” (Psalm 51:13). Through our sin and failures we can teach people the consequences of bad behavior and urge them to avoid what we have done. I believe that is why God included the failures of His great workmen.

Let us stop trying to keep up appearances and explain away our actions. In our failure, may we turn to Jesus and let him take our ashes and turn them into something beautiful. May He be our hope for today.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

HOPE FOR TODAY: Awakening the Mysteries of Love

My wife and I got to know each other when she came and asked me to help her start up a community wide youth ministry. As we worked together, feelings for her began stirring within me. I found myself confused saying to myself, “I have these feelings for her, but what should I do?” 

When we are in these situations, our human emotions, friends and the cultural influences tell us to move quickly. Ask him or her out. Then go on a second date. Then it’s the first touch of the hands. The first embrace. The first kiss. The first, “I love you. Then marriage. And all this, 0 to 60, in just a few months. Where is the budding romance? Where is the love story to retell children and grandchildren?  

We want whatever we want instantly. We think because we can instantly access movies, music, our money and a host of other things, we ought to have an instant relationship with instant love and happiness. Let’s slow down! That kind of thinking leads to divorce, unplanned pregnancies, adulterous affairs, emptiness and countless broken hearts.

Listen to the wisdom of God who says, do “not stir up or awaken love until it pleases” (Song of Solomon 3:5). God is warning us not to awaken the passions of love too soon. There is divine wisdom in employing self control over our emotions, while letting the shrouded mysteries of love stir within us. Over time we allow it to mature, grow and become a blossoming beautiful flower that can be cut at its peak of beauty at just the right time.

God created us with the capacity for love. When we follow His plan there is fulfillment. How do we know when to move forward and awaken love? The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5,6). Our path seems anything but straight while walking through the ups and downs of love. Fortunately, the Lord straightened my path and led me to marry Kathe. When we turn our lives to Jesus and seek Him He’ll give us the clarity and direction we need. He is the author of this crazy love and it’s no mystery to Him. May Jesus be your hope for today in love and life.