Monday, August 9, 2010

HOPE FOR TODAY: Arizona Law - Beneath the Surface

Arizona Rancher Robert Krentz was making an attempt to help an illegal immigrant, who was trespassing on his sprawling ranch, when he was gunned down in cold blood in March this year. At the same time, being debated in the Arizona legislature was an illegal immigration bill that was eventually passed and signed into law on April 23, a month after Krentz was murdered.

The law has created an incredible firestorm across the country with a host of influential opponents and proponents making their opinions known and taking sides. On the surface, some have made it about elections, race, border security or state rights versus federal jurisdiction. Yet, beneath the surface it is about something else - people. It is about the growing list of victims, like Robert Krentz.

For years illegal immigration, especially along the Mexico-United States border, has been a problem. It is nothing new. However, something has changed in recent years providing greater urgency for politicians and regular citizens to speak up and take some risk.

Although most illegal immigrants are peaceful and hardworking there are significant numbers that pose a threat. Reports show how some illegal’s are guilty of a laundry list of crimes including police killings, drug trafficking, human trafficking, rape, kidnapping, auto theft, I.D. theft, many sexual crimes, many types of fraud, home invasions, assaults, and much more. According to some crime statistics, 27% of all federal prisoners are illegal immigrants and many have been arrested at least eight times.

No matter if someone is Democrat or Republican, Mexican citizen or United States citizen or even a legal or illegal immigrant – most reasoning people want the senseless killing to stop, kidnappings to end and others to live without fear in their own home.

When God sent His only Son from heaven to earth He was not concerned about poll numbers, fund raising or voting blocks. There was no sign of self-preservation in His decision. He laid it all on the line when Jesus was born into our world in the little town of Bethlehem. And why did He do it? Why did Jesus leave the glory of heaven and come to live with us? He did it for people, like you and me. Jesus didn’t come to create an organization, build an institution or establish a religion. He came for people. From heaven God looked down and saw the power of sin at work in our world and its destructive force. Out of love for you and me He took action. The Scripture says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). In the midst of this darkness, if people will just turn from their sin and believe in Him with all their heart they will find freedom, peace and a new hope in Christ. Indeed, may you find your hope in Him today.

Monday, July 12, 2010

HOPE FOR TODAY: The Oil Spill - A Lesson in Response

On April 20, an explosion on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 people, sent the entire structure to the seabed, while triggering a gushing oil spill that has leaked an unbelievable 85 million gallons at the lowest count.

BP, Halliburton, Deepwater Horizon, Mineral Management Service, EPA, House and Senate committees and the White House all made choices over the course of time which unknowingly laid the groundwork for this accident.

There were choices made and now there is a waterfall of response covering everything you can think of all going on simultaneously. No matter if it is an oil spill or something else there are five kinds of responses: Slow, quick, right, wrong or even worse - none. Sometimes the immediate, but always the long-term determines what was or what should have been the best response.

Through this oil spill, we have seen the importance of a wise and quick response when it comes to a high stakes situation. More valuable then saving Gulf Coast jobs and its ecosystem is the saving of your soul and mine. Jesus has come from heaven, split time in half and presented us with a choice that demands a response with high stakes consequences. You have an invisible immortal soul within you. Upon death, you will live on in eternity through that soul. Where will be your final destination – heaven or hell? The destination you end up is determined by how you responded to situations in this life. Have you chosen to live your way or Jesus’ way? Jesus once said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). If you choose the way of Jesus, you choose heaven. What will it be for you? The stakes could not be higher. There must be a response. I urge you to respond wisely and quickly. Through Jesus may you find your hope for today.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How to Live in Turbulent Times

Since January, major earthquakes have hit Haiti, Chile and Argentina taking thousands of lives. England, Germany, the United States and other industrialized nations continue to increase their government debt while posing a threat to the world’s financial markets. Extreme Islamic terrorism which drove the 9/11 attacks, continues as a daily threat in America and across many other nations. War-like tensions continue brewing between Iran and Israel and North and South Korea. Violent crime in metropolitan areas like New York City and Chicago are killing more people then are dying in the war in Afghanistan. Political battles over health care, illegal immigration and the economy are creating nationwide division across the country. The moral fabric of our world continues to decline with people calling right wrong and wrong right.

What’s happening? Where is all this going? How should we live in the midst of all this? Some people may have watched too many movies and are ready to dive into their bunker preparing for the end. For the rest of us, let me provide some suggestions to help us live confidently in turbulent times.

Love others. Overcome the polarizing differences in our world with love. Demonstrate love by praying to God for the people who oppose you. And show love through actions. Do acts of kindness towards your opposition. Defeat evil with good.

Be holy. To be holy means to separate yourself from sinful things. It is like choosing to be honest in a dishonest world or to be sexually pure in a sexually promiscuous world. There seems to be no moral restraint with a tsunami of sinful and wicked behavior touching the entire globe. Go against the current. Be holy.

Humbly submit to one another. Open defiance of authority is everywhere. These attitudes and actions against parents, employers and government only deepen the divide. Only humble and mutual submission towards one another will bridge the divide and allow each other’s voices to be heard.

Live justly. There is much corruption and deceit from Washington to Main Street and even in our own homes. There must be a remnant who will hold up the banner of truth. Sometimes people should be confronted and issues exposed. May we stand for justice in wisdom with gentleness and respect.

Turn to Jesus. Our world needs help. The real and lasting help we need will not come from government, media, education, upright living, time, or good strategies. We need Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life we desperately need. Our hearts can be troubled when looking at the global landscape. Jesus once said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me” (John 14:1). Let us put our trust in Jesus. Only He can give us true and enduring peace in a world filled with worried and anxiety-laden people. May Jesus bring you hope for today.