Saturday, January 9, 2010

Choosing Hope

Jill, a high school senior, took the emotional wrenching drive to the clinic. Nervously she sat, seeming unsure of herself. It felt like there was no other way to handle her unplanned pregnancy. There she was, all alone, in front of the abortion clinic. Where is the hope for her?

There are many who can identify with Jill. A college girl and boyfriend who are not ready for the challenges of parenthood. A pregnant single mom who cannot afford a fourth child. A couple who knows the baby they are carrying will be born with a disability.

Hope is that inward thing you need when you feel like you have no control over your circumstances. It is that desire which swells up and challenges you to believe that there is someone or something greater to live for then what you see around you.

If you are facing an abortion or know someone who is, there is a better way. Choose hope.

First, choose hope for your baby. It is not just a fetus. Any ultrasound or a simple hand on the belly will prove this. It is a baby. Let your mind dream of what your baby could become beyond the limits of money, health and other circumstances. Imagine. Dream great dreams for him or her.

Second, choose hope for yourself. Aborting your baby will smash your hope and etch a tragic memory you will never forget. Let this baby be a new beginning, like the start of a new year. Decide to accept this child and determine to be the very best father or mother your baby could ever have or, answer the wish of another couple. Maybe there is a loving family who would welcome your baby through adoption.

Third, choose hope through forgiveness. To abort or encourage someone to abort a living, breathing baby inside the womb is a sin in God’s sight. He calls it murder. The guilt from such an act weights heavy on a person. What can someone do to be relieved of the guilt and have hope restored?

Centuries ago, Jesus provided a way for total forgiveness of your sin. Through His life, He atoned for it. That means He covered your sin and took it away so He could have a relationship with you. The atoning work of Jesus is waiting for you. If you confess your sin to Him right now, He stands ready to forgive. God says, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities (sins), and I will remember their sins no more” (The Bible, Hebrews 8:12, ESV). Imagine the hope that Jesus can bring by having your guilt finally lifted. The peace! The joy! May Jesus be your hope for today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Remember that Christmas is a Birthday

My grandson, Konnor, was King for a day when he turned eight years old. He was the center of attention. In the morning, my wife and I called and wished him a happy birthday. He took treats to school, got cards in the mail, and had a birthday party with his own customized birthday cake, compliments of grandma.

When we celebrate someone’s birthday, it is normal to make them the center of attention. They are the focus of the party, gifts and treats. It is a happy time, surrounding the celebration of their birth.

Christmas Day is a gigantic worldwide birthday celebration for Jesus. Although Christians honor Him all year long, it is a concentrated time to remember the day when he came from heaven to earth in miraculous fashion being born through His virgin mother, Mary.

The modern Christmas Day does not seem to reflect the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Rather, it more bears the marks of an annual family gathering accompanied with gift giving and food while the Birthday Boy sits quietly in the background.

How can we make Christmas Day more about Jesus? It is very simple. Go to God in prayer and say, “God what would your Son like for His birthday?” I believe God may show you the two greatest commandments in the Bible, which can serve as the two greatest Christmas gifts for Jesus. “You shall love the Lord your God . . . You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (The Bible, Matt. 22:37-40, ESV) First, give the gift of love to Jesus. Second, give the gift of love to others.

On Christmas morning, we can show our love for Jesus by dropping to our knees and yielding ourselves anew to Him giving praise for who He is and what He has done. Then throughout Christmas Day, we can show our love for others in three ways: 1) Going and sharing the good news of Christ with someone in a creative way. 2) Going and giving something to a person in need – a meal, toy or clothing. 3) Going and visiting someone in need – a widow, foster child, or someone in the hospital.

Take the challenge. Give Jesus what He wants for His birthday. Then watch your Christmas be filled with a divine and everlasting hope.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Sinking Dollar and The Steady Cross

The other day I opened up our latest statement on our retirement account and gasped as I looked at the two columns “Current value” versus “Value one year ago”. Ouch! Even though the markets appear to be doing better than earlier in 2009, we still have a long way to go before confidence is restored on Main Street and Wall Street.

The economic road to recovery has a dangerous and growing pothole. Experts are concerned over the declining value of U.S. currency. The dollar is traded daily on the Foreign Exchange Market. Its value is determined by its relation to other currencies on the market like the European euro, the Japanese yen or the Canadian dollar.

Here is the concern – from March to September the dollar has fallen 14.9% against the euro. What is affecting the value of the dollar? There is a mix of technical things, but a major issue is the growing U.S debt, currently at $12 trillion. As investors see the massive and growing debt, it reduces their confidence and they invest elsewhere, like other currencies.

What is the big negative to Main Street? If the dollar keeps sinking, the costs of our foreign goods will start climbing. That is inflation. By the way, what in your home has stamped on it “Made in China, Japan, Mexico” or some other country?

There is so much economic instability right now. We Americans are so used to our government’s wealth, our personal capacity to make and spend or the generosity of others. As a result, when something cleans out the American pocket book, it knocks the legs right out from underneath us.

Is there anything that is sure in this unstable world? Yes. There is only one thing that is a constant and stable source of trust – the person Jesus Christ.

Around 38 A.D. Jesus was tortured then died on a wooden cross. His blood stained that cross. His life and blood was unlike any other. Its value was enough to pay for the debt and penalty of the sin of the world’s population. Through His death, then His resurrection three days later, you and I can be saved from our sin and given a future and hope.

Jesus Christ. He is a sure investment. No matter the conditions of our world, He is a rock that remains. Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” (The Bible, John 14:6, ESV) May He be your source of hope for today and all eternity.