Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wanted: A Loving Family

Fifteen year old Davion Only, looking for a family to call his own, told a Florida church congregation “I’ll take anyone”. As his story made national news, it tugged at the heart strings of a nation. Unfortunately, over the course of human history there have been millions of Davion’s.

History’s first recorded adoption took place thousands of years ago in ancient Hebrew days. Abraham, the biblical Patriarch, had a brother, Haran. He passed away early in life leaving behind a son, Lot. Abraham, as his Uncle, willingly took him in becoming like his own father.

Lot was orphaned due to the death of his parents. Other children are orphaned due to war, abduction, illness, tragedy or simply because the parents are unfit and authorities have taken the children. In the Christian faith, followers are urged to care for these orphans. The Scriptures say, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God . . . is this: to visit [or care for] orphans” (James 1:27).

Beyond the Scriptural admonition, why do Christians concern themselves with the orphan? They do because the desire comes from the heart of God. He is the Creator of all mankind and architect of the family. His heart is filled with compassion towards those who have no family. Therefore, he urges His followers to be His hands and feet to a world in need.

When someone is orphaned there is a natural instinct to search for that missing relationship. The first place everyone can start their search, no matter their family story, is with God. We were born spiritual beings, instinctively knowing we have a Creator, yet separated from Him because of our sinful hearts. The search for Him took us down winding roads filled with detours. We blindly thought relationships, success, religion or addictions would give us we what lacked, but none of it satisfied.

It was for this God sent His only Son – Jesus. He is the answer. He came to show us a Father’s love and wants to adopt us into His loving family. In a sense, we are all orphans in need of a Father. Call out to Him in humble and desperate faith. Then He will welcome you, cleanse you from all sin, come into your life, make you a new person and give you a new family. Jesus said, “For this my son [or daughter] . . . was lost, and is found” (Luke 15:24). In your pursuit of family may you discover your Heavenly Father and His Son – Jesus. May He be your hope for today.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

You are not Alone

You are not alone.  That’s right!  According to the National Association of Mental Illness there are 58 million Americans who battle these disorders.  Though it feels like you walk your path alone - you are not.  Though it feels like no one understands – they do.     

What is mental illness?  The Mayo Clinic says it “Refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.”  Even though it is normal to experience difficult days or seasons of life a clinically diagnosed mental illness is different.  It is something that is ongoing where people cannot cope with daily life and no amount of self-discipline or will power can “fix it”.   

Chatter about mental illness rises every time there is a mass shooting like the recent Navy Yard incident, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre or the Aurora, Colorado, theatre killings.  But not everyone who has a mental condition is going to be the next mass shooter.  Most are responsible, hard-working people, who are good neighbors, good employees and look perfectly fine on the surface.  However, on the inside are conditions that nearly cripple their daily life.  Most folks would be surprised to know who battles with mental illness.  Often people silently cope with only their closest family or friends knowing.  And the care-givers end up bearing a heavy load while trying to understand and care for them.        
It can be a lonely and frustrating time while dealing with a disorder.  You may feel as if you are alone and no one understands.  On this journey I believe God wants to send a message, “You are not alone”.   

God understands and is waiting for you to turn to Him.  Yes, we may need to pursue medication, professional counseling or a treatment plan.  Yet, we must not forget the world’s great Liberator.  God, through His Son, Jesus, came from heaven to earth, died and rose again to set us free from the chains of sin and sorrows of this world. He stands ready to grant you an eternal hope in the face of your mental illness.  The Scriptures say, “Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).  May Jesus be your hope for today.      

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Stop the Rescue!

During a television interview with former heavy weight boxing champion, Mike Tyson, he said he had lost over $300 million dollars in his career.  Now, after reflecting on a life of costly mistakes he is trying to make some positive changes. 

How did Iron Mike’s life self-destruct?  Outside of his obvious poor choices, some of the people around him are guilty too.

Have you ever just wanted to be “nice” to a family member, friend or co-worker by helping out with an issue they were facing – albeit major or minor?  Maybe you truly felt sorry for them.  Maybe you saw the coming consequences and wanted to step in before it got worse.  Maybe the issue affected you somehow and getting involved was in your best interest.    

I believe there are too many “nice” (or guilt-ridden and manipulated) people who are sustaining and thereby delaying necessary consequences to bad behavior.  Perhaps Iron Mike would have been sitting differently today if some folks would have stepped back and not been so “nice”.          

Today there are too many . . .  
·         Younger parents trying in vain to wake up their 17-year olds for school.
·         Older parents or grandparents doling out gas money to their 30 year olds.    
·         Wives being the middle-person to their kids explaining their dad’s actions. 
·         Employees cleaning up messes from their bosses or other co-workers. 

Ultimately the goal for everyone is to become a mature, independent, responsible adult.  Lovingly stepping back and choosing to allow someone to fail and experience pain is an unfortunate but necessary teacher.  And often our good intentions prevent that from happening. 

When we step back we are allowing someone else to step in.  God.  It is an act of love and trust.    King Solomon wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  We love the person enough to stop trying to rescue with hopes they might change.  We trust God enough to step back and release the person into His care.  Who can do a better job?  He or you?  He hung the stars.  He raises the sun every morning.  He provides the sparrow its food.  What have you done? 

Let us step back and allow God to work.  May He become the hope for today in the lives of the people we so desperately want to rescue.