Sunday, September 1, 2013

Stop the Rescue!

During a television interview with former heavy weight boxing champion, Mike Tyson, he said he had lost over $300 million dollars in his career.  Now, after reflecting on a life of costly mistakes he is trying to make some positive changes. 

How did Iron Mike’s life self-destruct?  Outside of his obvious poor choices, some of the people around him are guilty too.

Have you ever just wanted to be “nice” to a family member, friend or co-worker by helping out with an issue they were facing – albeit major or minor?  Maybe you truly felt sorry for them.  Maybe you saw the coming consequences and wanted to step in before it got worse.  Maybe the issue affected you somehow and getting involved was in your best interest.    

I believe there are too many “nice” (or guilt-ridden and manipulated) people who are sustaining and thereby delaying necessary consequences to bad behavior.  Perhaps Iron Mike would have been sitting differently today if some folks would have stepped back and not been so “nice”.          

Today there are too many . . .  
·         Younger parents trying in vain to wake up their 17-year olds for school.
·         Older parents or grandparents doling out gas money to their 30 year olds.    
·         Wives being the middle-person to their kids explaining their dad’s actions. 
·         Employees cleaning up messes from their bosses or other co-workers. 

Ultimately the goal for everyone is to become a mature, independent, responsible adult.  Lovingly stepping back and choosing to allow someone to fail and experience pain is an unfortunate but necessary teacher.  And often our good intentions prevent that from happening. 

When we step back we are allowing someone else to step in.  God.  It is an act of love and trust.    King Solomon wrote, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  We love the person enough to stop trying to rescue with hopes they might change.  We trust God enough to step back and release the person into His care.  Who can do a better job?  He or you?  He hung the stars.  He raises the sun every morning.  He provides the sparrow its food.  What have you done? 

Let us step back and allow God to work.  May He become the hope for today in the lives of the people we so desperately want to rescue.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Pursuit of Fame

Judson Laipply.  Have you ever heard of the name?  He is a comedian who performed a hilarious (and clean) 10-minute skit called The Evolution of Dance.  It was posted on YouTube and became an instant hit.  It is currently the most viewed Internet video of all time, having over 215 million hits.
YouTube’s official slogan is “Broadcast Yourself”.  Laipply did just that and he became famous.  According to a Family Circle magazine survey, nearly one-third of our teenagers think they will be famous someday and YouTube, American Idol and many other forms of instant-fame media have provided the vehicle for millions of fame-hungry folks to get there.
However, what happens when you get there?  Then what?  When I look at the news about famous musicians, actors or athletes who have achieved fame I see how their family, health, finances and overall lifestyle is a mess.  It makes me question the blessing of being famous.
What is really behind the desire to be famous anyway?  It is acceptance.  Some people think, “If they see who I really am and what I can do, they will like me.”  The first part of that quote is the problem, “If people”.  Some people and their feelings for us change.  Today they love us, tomorrow they hate us. 
We might consider something else.  Instead of seeking to be known and loved by people, how about seeking to be known and loved by God?  Actually, the undisputed, most-famous person in the universe is God’s own Son, Jesus Christ.  He knows your name and is interested in beginning a life-long relationship with you.  Things operate a little different in God’s world though.  Jesus once said, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26). 
Your acceptance by people will be short-lived, but acceptance by God will be eternally-lived.  How do you get it?  Turn from seeking the fame of your name and seek the fame of HIS name.  Humbly and deliberately, place your complete trust in Jesus Christ alone.  Then, you will find your hope for today.

Monday, July 1, 2013

America's Greatest Enemy

President Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" (  An ancient biblical proverb says, "Two things I ask of you (God) . . . give me neither poverty or riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, 'Who is the Lord?' or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God" (Proverbs 30:7-9).

The idea conveyed is having little or much can affect the character of a person . . . and a nation.   The United States has seen both.  In her early years she had little, while in modern times she has had much.  Today, the U.S. is the leader in innovation, has the greatest university system, the world’s most powerful military, the largest economy and provides unequaled human freedoms.    

Since the late 1800’s, which began the industrial age, America has seen incredible growth and I believe this success has changed America’s character.  Her pride has grown into arrogance.  Her increased knowledge has questioned the need for God.  Her advancements in technology have made her like a god and her hi-tech weapons have replaced God’s protection.     

The principle of abundance leading to a denial of God is a predictable pattern.  When riches, power and success mount there is a quiet shifting of the heart and soul of a nation that when left unchecked leads to its downfall.   

What is America’s greatest enemy?  Ourselves.  The lure of money and power is becoming our Great Destroyer.  Its deceptive appeal has caused us to think too highly of ourselves.  It has created a false sense of security bringing us to believe we are a nation that is indestructible and indispensable to the world.  We have been willingly seduced by prosperity giving birth to the illicit children of ease, complacency and immorality.      

What shall we do?  Let us examine our ways and not walk the paths of other nations.  Let us learn from the downfall of Ancient Empires like Rome, Egypt, Greece and the once vast British Empire.  America’s future is up to its own citizens.  Will we trust in ourselves or Almighty God?  The answer determines our national destiny.  Let us turn to Christ and may He be the hope of our nation.