Monday, November 11, 2024

The Big Red One and The Battle for Freedom

Why do we need a military filled with our best and brightest? So we are always ready to defend our Land of Liberty from our enemies, both from abroad and within.”

“The Big Red One” is the nickname for the U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division, the first and most storied and decorated division in the Army. The “BRO” is routinely the first division sent into war settings. They saw their initial action during WWI in 1917, and were also ordered to serve in WWII, Vietnam, The Balkans, Iraq and in the War on Terror. (Image from 1st Infantry Division Facebook Page)

The Division won America’s first victory in WW1 at the Battle of Cantigny in France, pushing back German forces at the cost of over 1,000 U.S. soldiers. There were also incredible acts of valor on the battlefield, resulting in five members receiving the Medal of Honor, which is the military’s most revered award for combat. One of those recipients was Sergeant Michael Ellis.

Machine gun nests were a continual threat to troop movements, consequently soldiers were needed to scout them out and eliminate their operators. Sergeant Ellis volunteered for this dangerous role. According to an official military report, on one occasion “he single-handedly advanced under heavy fire and captured 27 prisoners, including 2 officers and 6 machineguns, which had been holding up the advance of the company. The captured officers indicated the locations of 4 other machineguns, and he in turn captured these, together with their crews, at all times showing marked heroism and fearlessness.”

Why do we need a military filled with our best and brightest like Sergeant Ellis? So we are always ready to defend our Land of Liberty from our enemies, both abroad and within. President George Washington, who also led America’s Continental Army said it best, “to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual ways of preserving peace.”

There would never be a need to take up arms if it was not for one thing: the evil in men’s hearts. Never has there been a war, which first did not start in the hearts of men. Hate, greed, pride and dangerous lusts for power have all driven men to throw their youths on the anvils of death. President Regan once stated the somber realities of war as “…the stark truth of suffering and sacrifice and the slain promise of youth.” And President Thomas Jefferson once eloquently declared, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance,” and that vigilance is seen through a military constantly in training and always prepared.

However, is one truly free simply by living in a land of freedom?

There are millions of Americans exercising their freedoms day by day, yet are ruled by a tyrant and evil dictator. It is the curse of sin within them. They are controlled by their foul lusts, deceptive selfishness and blind pride. Their indwelling enemy has taken them unknowingly down a path of captivity.

There is only one man, who can set them free. Only He can rise to their aide and deliver them. Who is He? Christ the King! He declared of Himself “…if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Jesus faced the enemy of men’s souls’ eye to eye, and crushed his head. He took the whole world upon Himself and fought an unseen spiritual battle that determined to enslave the souls of the entire human race. How did He combat this most powerful threat? He laid Himself down on an old wooden cross. He sacrificed Himself, shed His blood and lay in a grave. Then on the third day He rose, conquering death.

Jesus, one man, took on the whole world – and won! Now he comes with the spoils of victory offering you freedom. Today, turn from your ways and call upon Jesus, and you will be set free. Or if you choose, you can remain in your enslavement and one day face the King’s judgement.

A prayer for you – Lord God, we thank you for the men and women that have given their lives in defense our nation. We invite your protective hand upon America. Help us to walk in your ways and to be a people whose hearts have been set free by the King of kings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Your Choice and America’s Future

“Political leaders affect the moral and spiritual climate of a nation more than any other type of leader.”
Samuel Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, 4th Governor of Massachusetts and a cousin to President John Adams once said about voting, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote...that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” A solemn trust? How so? Governor Adams, along with the other founding fathers, set up a system where citizens have the right and power to select their leaders. However, that responsibility has an immense impact.

The candidates’ fellow citizens put in office affect the moral and spiritual fabric of the nation through the policies they institute affecting the nation; either for good or bad. This truth comes from the Bible, “When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, people hide themselves.” (Proverbs 28:12) Leaders who promote godly values are a blessing to their nation, while those who stand for godless values are a stain upon it.

The nation of Israel had its greatest days during the 80-year period, known as the Golden Era, covering a time of leadership during King David and then his son, King Solomon. Israel had unprecedented peace and prosperity, becoming the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world. It all culminated under Solomon when history said about him, “Thus [he] excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom. And the whole earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put into his mind.” (1 Kings 10:23-24)

Why did this happen? Because David and Solomon walked in the ways of God and demonstrated that by governing the people with God-honoring justice and upholding the moral ways of God.

However, in-time the Golden Era came to an end and Israel started a slow but steady national decline that eventually led to their collapse. Why? Because immoral kings began occupying the seat of power and governed with godless justice while advancing immoral ways. As a result, they influenced the nation with their wickedness. In one case, while King Nadab ruled over Israel it was said of him, “He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord…[and] made Israel to sin.” (1 Kings 15:26)

History confirms that political leaders affect the moral and spiritual climate of a nation more than any other type of leader, due to the influence they have in all areas of society. This is why God teaches us to pray for them saying, “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

The kings of Israel were put in power based upon blood line, not by the people. The United States has a unique system of government from Israel and other nations. We are a republic, which means the power rests with the people.

The solemn trust we have in voting, is using that unique power to place in office candidates that will engage in God-honoring justice and promote the moral ways of God. We violate that trust when we neglect our voting privilege or use it to install candidates who will govern in godless ways.

President Abraham Lincoln once insightfully said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” And how do we destroy ourselves? By refusing to walk in the ways of God individually and putting in power those who govern in godless ways nationally.

The future of America is at stake with this election, and every election. Let us pray. Let us trust in the sovereign power of Almighty God who reigns over the nations. Let us vote giving honor to that solemn trust.

A prayer for you – Lord God, put in power candidates that will govern according to your ways. We commit to pray, vote and humble ourselves before you entrusting the outcome of this election and the future of America into your hands. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Silent No More!

“Stand against the rising tide of evil with the good news of Christ and His resurrection power."

You are sitting at home in your basement mancave scrolling through the news of the day while taking in a football game when all the sudden you smell smoke. It catches your attention and causes you to be distracted for a moment. However, you know your wife is with the kids working on a craft upstairs, so you keep enjoying your time of solitude, that is until you hear screams followed by, “Honey!!” and then “Daddy, where are you??” At that point you run upstairs only to see the kitchen in flames burning through the second floor where your family is.
(Image by 

It would be absolutely crazy to imagine a parent ignoring something like that. No sane person would just sit in silence allowing a fire to tear through their house and take the lives of their loved ones.

This very hour the house of America is on fire with the seething flames of evil burning up the Judeo-Christian values our country was founded upon. Meanwhile, while millions of pastors, elected officials, parents and grandparents remain silent, choosing to ignore the blazing inferno.

God and His Word testify against this type of cowardly self-preserving passivism, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Behold, we did not know this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?” (Proverbs 24:11-12)

There was once discovered a deceptive plot to slaughter thousands of Jews in a barbaric-genocidal scheme. Mordecai told Queen Esther, his niece, of the imminent bloodshed. She resisted any involvement that would put her own life in danger. However, her uncle spoke sobering truth saying, “If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14-15)

Multitudes are keeping silent as America slowly burns. Boys are no longer boys. Girls are no longer girls. Marriage is optional and redefined. Taking life in the womb is a reproductive right. The bodies of women and children are for sale. Gross perversion is mainstream, defended and celebrated. Wrong is right. Evil is good. Immoral is moral. All that was once beautiful is now marred and unrecognizable.

Where are the courageous voices of truth pointing out sin, instructing on what is right and wrong and speaking for the voiceless? Like Queen Esther, the risks of doing such things are very real. Pastors could divide the church, lose some of their congregation, or possibly be fired. Elected officials could lose donors or be removed from office. Parents and others have similar concerns. This puts us at a crossroads. What is the answer? God says, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

We are always divinely commanded to do what is right, no matter the cost. Jesus was our example. His gospel message confronted the souls of men and women with their evil ways, and called them to turn from their disobedience and believe in Him. Though His enemies sought to silence His powerful voice He ignored their threats. Instead because of love He pressed on with humility, boldness and wisdom. He risked His own life that others might be free, which eventually led to His death on the cross. Three days later, however, good triumphed over evil when Christ gloriously rose from the dead.

Jesus has risen! Do not fear! Stand against the rising tide of evil with the good news of Christ and His resurrection power, so that men and women can be freed from the evil that entangles them.

A prayer for you – Lord God, open our mouths that we would speak words of truth into the darkness. Let us fear nothing but you, and be courageous, standing for all that is beautiful and good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.