Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What If The Resurrection Never Happened?

“Never has there been one who has died, been buried, then days later raised from the dead to escape its clutches forever. No one except for one. Jesus.”

Over 150,000 people die each day globally. Never in my lifetime has there been a single news report about someone dying, then rising from the dead to not die again. In the years I have been a minister and conducted numerous funerals, never have I observed a single person that has been laid to rest, then raised up to avoid death again. In history there have been people who were dead for seconds, minutes or even hours—then came back to life. But never has there been one who has died, been buried, then days later raised from the dead, to escape its clutches forever. At no time has there ever been such a case—except for one. Jesus. (Image from Istock)

Understandably, the story of Jesus being resurrected has its critics. “A historical fact which involves a resurrection from the dead is utterly inconceivable” wrote the late Dr. Rudolph Bultmann, an influential New Testament German theologian. However, there are many who believe the biblical story of Jesus’ resurrection, such as Bible scholar, Dr. N.T. Wright, who has done extensive research on the resurrection. He says, “Because he is raised from the dead, he is Lord of the world, sovereign over the whole cosmos, the one before whom we bow the knee, believing that in the end every creature will come to do so as well.”

From the day Jesus’ tomb was found empty until today, the debate over Jesus’ resurrection has been as divisive as ever among scholars. What if the critics are right? What if Jesus died, but never rose from the dead? What if the resurrection never happened and there was no Easter to celebrate? This presents at least three major problems.

1-A spiritual problem.  According to Christian teaching, Jesus’ death provided the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of mankind’s sin. His resurrection completed the work. No resurrection would mean no forgiveness. Humanity would be cursed to bear the guilt and shame of their sin forever. All people would be destined to a vain life and fearful death because of no hope beyond ourselves. The Bible declares this, And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17)

2-A moral problem.  According to Christian teaching, God declares He does not lie and condemned the deceptive act among His followers in the Ten Commandments. If the resurrection never happened then God is a liar. Jesus is a liar. The whole Bible is a lie. The billions of Christians for the last 2,000 years are all liars, and Christianity is humankind’s greatest conspiracy. The Scriptures addresses this as well, And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ…” (1 Cor. 15:14-15)

3-A theological problem.  According to Christian teaching, Jesus was not a mere man but divine and His resurrection was ultimate proof. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, it would be legitimate to question the deity of Christ. If there was no resurrection Jesus was not divine, but a mere mortal. His miracles would be a hoax. His teachings would all be suspect. He would be nothing more than an influential historical figure like Socrates, Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.

What shall we say in response to all this? His tomb is empty. His bones have never been found. There were eye witnesses to His resurrection. One early follower said, “This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32). For centuries billions of these witnesses have been transformed by Him. This is the ultimate proof that Christ has risen. YES, JESUS IS ALIVE!

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray for those who doubt the resurrection. Hear their objections and provide understanding. Bring us all to know the truth of Christ and His power like never before. This day we declare our belief in the risen Savior and Lord of all.  In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Baptism – Can It Save You?

“Baptism is not enough 
to forgive or absolve your sins.”
When I walked into Terry’s hospital room, and saw her laying on her bed she said to me, “I was wondering when you were going to get here.” Her physical condition was deteriorating and she was not ready to face her Creator. As I got down on my knees and visited with her, we soon began talking about God, and I shared with her the good news of Christ. Later, as I was praying over her, she yelled out for God to save her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. It was an incredible moment. Weeks later when Terry was home and bed-ridden, she wanted to be baptized. So surrounded by family, and with a cup and towel I conducted her baptism. What a blessing! Then hours later Terry left this world to see her new Savior face to face. (Photo by Josue Michel on Unsplash)

What prepared Terry for her new home with Christ? Was it some of the good things she had done, her baptism, her faith in Jesus or something else?

Like with Terry, many times I have been at the bedside of the dying. If someone is fatally sick, and knows their time is short and their not right with God, they might request to see a clergyperson. If a dying person is baptized, are they saved? Have their sins been forgiven? Will they go to heaven?

Baptism is part of our American religious culture. Millions of followers in Catholic and Protestant churches have experienced the sacrament, from infants to adults, during memorable religious ceremonies filled with family and friends. Sometimes it is a quiet, solemn and reverent event. At other times it is filled with much energy and praise. The occasion is looked upon as an important religious milestone in a person’s spiritual life.

Why does someone get baptized? Because it is a command given by God in the Bible, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38)

A baptism ceremony is filled with beautiful and significant symbolism. As a person stands ready to be baptized, they are a picture of their old self, standing dead in their sin as Jesus hung dead upon the cross. Then as Jesus was buried, so they are buried. Their old self gets buried in the waters of baptism. The water is an image of the Holy Spirit washing them of all their sin while being immersed into the life of Christ and His church. Then as Jesus rose from His grave with a resurrected body, so the one being baptized is raised up out of the water, like a new creation. It is a powerful thing to watch, an honor to administer, but most of all, it is life changing to personally experience. The mighty grace of God is almost palpable in those moments.

What is the singular most important focus in baptism? Jesus.

It is not the water, the Pastor or Priest, nor the one being baptized. It is about Jesus, and a picture of His suffering, death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

Sometimes we can elevate the pomp and circumstance of a baptism ceremony above Christ. We can elevate the water above Him, believing it becomes holy. We can elevate the actual baptism above Christ, thinking that through it we can secure our eternal salvation.

Unless you have turned from your sins and to Christ, and placed your full trust in Him alone -- your baptism is meaningless. Do not believe anyone who says otherwise. Your baptism is not enough to forgive or absolve your sins. Only the blood of Jesus, which was shed from His cross can save you. Thankfully, Terry understood this when she cried out to Jesus in her hospital bed.

A prayer for you - Lord God, if there is someone reading this that has been deceived, believing the waters of baptism are greater than the atoning blood of Jesus, open their eyes to see the truth. Bring them to turn from trusting in a ceremony, and to repent of their sin and trust in Christ alone for their salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Curse of Sex Trafficking in America

“America’s devilish obsession with sex is the driver for innocent boys and girls to be ushered into the deep abyss of the sex trade.”

Along with millions of other movie-goers, my wife and I attended the blockbuster movie, Sound of Freedom. We did so due to the generosity of an anonymous donor that paid for the whole theatre! The theme of the movie came from a captivating line by Jim Caveziel’s character when he said, “God’s children are not for sale.” The movie took America by storm, framing the massive multibillion-dollar demonic sex trafficking industry in a compelling way. (Photo by Francesca Zama on Unsplash)

According to one source, “It is estimated that between 15,000 to 50,000 women and children are forced into sexual slavery in the United States every year…” And a few years ago, it was reported that over 50% of U.S. criminal cases for sex trafficking involved children. And not only does a massive number of victims originate from America, whom are shipped across the globe like cargo, but America also receives over 50,000 of these broken souls annually from other nations. Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking made this alarming fact about our nation, "The United States is the number one consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society."

America’s devilish obsession with sex is the driver for innocent boys and girls to be ushered into the deep abyss of the sex trade. We are doing this to our own kids, and the children of the world! This realization should drop every American to their knees, and plead for the Almighty’s mercy. It is written, “For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury…” (Isaiah 66:15)

Americans lust for sexually explicit material naturally leads some to enter the sex trafficking industry. Pictures and videos are not enough, so a man searches out ways to experience it first-hand, thus providing demand. Scrolling through sexualized videos on Facebook, YouTube and other social media. Watching R-rated and X-rated movies with steamy sex scenes. Paying subscriptions to secretively watch porn on various websites. These avenues, combined with a culture that permits and encourages such perverted activities has created our nation’s sinful cesspool.


We have soundly rejected God’s ways of preserving sex for a man and woman in the bounds of marriage, and are reaping its affects. The Scriptures say, “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” (Hosea 8:7) For decades a faithful remnant of the church has proclaimed God’s truth, warning Americans to stop this progressive escalation of sexual obsession. Yet, we have mockingly rejected that call and are reaping its consequences. Accordingly, God has given us over to our destructive passions. The Bible says, “Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie…” (Romans 1:24-25)

What shall we do? The root of America’s sex trafficking problem is a spiritual one. We have exalted our immoral and perverted lust for one another over our Creator God. Instead, lust has become our god of choice. However, God still holds out His hands of mercy. For He says to our nation, “I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices…” (Isaiah 65:2) According to His mercy, He sent Jesus to us, His beloved Son. And He says to all who recognize their disobedient ways and turn to His Son by faith, that He will joyfully grant immediate freedom from the slavery of sin. And He promises to wash away the deep stains of their sin and give them a transformed life.

A prayer for you – Lord God I pray that you will help us to see the connection between our obsession with sex and the curse of sex trafficking on our nation. Sexual temptations are so strong, but you are stronger. Help us to turn to you and cry out with a desperate heart, that we might be set free from our sexual sins, and destroy this evil from among us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.