“Only one entity has the message for our
times. THE CHURCH. It was built for
moments just like these.”
America is rotting from within. Lethal illegal drugs are being trafficked into our nation. Criminals are running our cities. Teaching children unthinkable immoral acts is championed. Justice is dependent on your political party and personal views. The family has been redefined. Gender is a personal choice. Killing babies before birth is a convenience. Lies are declared as truth to sway the masses, and truth is based on feelings. Why is all this happening? Because of America’s insatiable desire to satisfy her own lusts, and the consequences of that perilous pursuit. (Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay)
As result, our nation is becoming weaker and more vulnerable to our enemies with the passing of each new day. And the nature of this rot is a moral one, where the hearts of millions are controlled by a darkness that seeks their own personal ambitions above the needs of their neighbor.Who can save us from this systemic evil that lives in the hearts of the masses? Who has the answer for this generational evil that has a hold on vital American institutions and on crucial areas of our culture?
Can the American military, with all its power, save us? Can Congress, the courts, or the President of the United States? What about our education system? I argue that there is only one institution that has the answers? Only one entity has the message for our times.
THE CHURCH. It was built for moments just like these.
It was created to flourish in periods of war, chaos, moral upheaval, widespread injustice, and in seasons of division and danger. These times have always become the church’s hardest, yet finest hours.
The church was born in the mind of God, established through the death and resurrection of Christ and is the embodiment of Christ Himself. For He is the church working through all His followers by His message, His works, His Spirit and His power. This all communicates a divine charge for the church - to be the presence of Christ to the world around us, and fulfill Jesus’ mission to them. And the central part of Jesus’ mission, was His unique message. It was nothing like what any other religious leader taught.
At the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus laid down what the theme of all His teaching and preaching would be when He declared, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)
What does repent mean? It refers to a change of mind, leading to a change of life. It is where one turns from their destructive sinful self, and to God by faith through Christ. And when they do, they are instantaneously transformed. About others who have experienced this, the Bible says, “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy…through Jesus Christ our Savior…” (Titus 3:3-6)
This was the message the Apostles taught and preached in the first century, and what the church was founded upon in its early years.
Sin was destroying people’s lives and the civilization they lived in, and it was only this message that could deliver them. It is the original message of the true church, and the message our nation so desperately needs today. To the enemies of the true Jesus, they frame it as words of hate, racism and bigotry. However, in the eyes of our Lord and Savior it is a message of truth, and one that is filled with love and compassion for a world on fire.
Rise up, O church. We need a remnant men and women who are filled with the boldness and courage of the Holy Spirit, to go forth and declare this timely message. The time is now!
A prayer for you – Lord God, stir the hearts of pastors and all believers. Remind them of your original message. Raise them up to call their neighborhoods and cities to turn from their evil ways and to faith in Christ. Bless their words as they speak forth your truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.