Monday, July 25, 2022

What Covid and Inflation Reveal About Us


"In the power of Jesus, believers in Christ can face any crisis with peace and confidence; including inflation and Covid. Believers can overcome the temptation to be fearful or anxious. They know their gracious and ever-present God will provide all their needs, even when things do not make sense."

When a society is used to living with a certain lifestyle, then suddenly it changes due to events beyond their control, it is revealing. It reveals the true nature of its people. The good life masks a lot of things, but sudden adversity reveals what is hidden.  
(Photo courtesy of Khanchit Khirisutchalual/iStock via Getty Images)

There was once a wealthy farmer that had a bountiful harvest and sought to build bigger bins to store his surplus. He was so proud of his successful work that he said to himself, “. . . you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” (Luke 12:19) However, God declared to him, “Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” (Lk. 12:20) The man did not anticipate he would die after this great harvest, and not be able to enjoy its fruits. He faced the unexpected.

After Jesus told this story, He stated, “So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” (Lk. 12:21) The farmer was only focused on laying up treasure for himself in this world, so when the sudden and ultimate crisis of death came, he was not ready.

America is paying record prices for food, fuel and other necessities. Millions of households are in a financial crisis. Costs have skyrocketed upward, while incomes remain the same, with no solution on the horizon.  This crisis comes after facing a long two-year battle with Covid. Both inflation and Covid have hit our health and finances with a sledge hammer. Neither did we anticipate.

When these situations happen, it is an opportunity to examine who we are laying up treasure for. Ourselves or God? Nearly all of life is impacted by our health and finances, so when one or the other is on-the-line it is truly a sobering moment.

Americans are used to having an abundance of food, material goods, and enjoying the pleasures of entertainment and recreation as escapes from the pressures of life. We live with a “relax, eat, drink and be merry” materialistic attitude, like the farmer. So when something unexpected happens that threatens our health or finances, we panic.

This is not about good or bad planning, or even the crisis itself, but about who we are trusting in. Are we trusting in God or ourselves? Hard times have a unique way of surfacing this.

God wants us to be rich toward Him and trust in Him for all things; both spiritually and physically. Jesus once said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:33-34)

When one lives this way, and the suddenness of life hits, they are prepared because they are rich toward God. They can face whatever is before them because they have supernatural resources. The indwelling power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the benefits He provides to those who love Him and walk faithfully according to His commands.

In the power of Jesus, they can face any crisis with peace and confidence. They can overcome the temptation to be fearful or anxious. They know their gracious and ever-present God will provide all their needs, even when things do not make sense. They also know that whatever they have been given is from God. Consequently, they do not hoard it for themselves as the farmer did, but are generous toward others, regardless of their own needs. Thus, their riches toward God increases evermore.

The situation in our world is revealing. What does it reveal about you? Where is your trust? Trust in Jesus with all your heart in these uncertain times. He is worthy of it.

A prayer for you – “Lord God, as our world continues to walk through a health and financial crisis, let us trust in you. Only you can provide for all our needs. No matter the causes, the situation is before us. Help us to trust in you for ourselves, our friends and neighbors. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Monday, July 18, 2022

Inflation, Greed and a Lust for Power

"A wealthy country can financially collapse in a short period due to the sinful financial practices of their leaders. Despite details being hidden and complicated, they are seen and understood by God and invite His judgment."

When a nation is prosperous, it is a test of its character. What will it
do with its abundance? Will the rich take advantage of the poor and the government expand its size and reach? Or will a nation honor God with its blessings, where the people share with one another and the government is just and impartial no matter if one is rich or poor?  (
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash)

The people of Israel were given much by the Lord God in their history, and at one point in their prosperity, they forgot God and turned from Him. The cries of the oppressed reached His ears and God spoke to the nation through His prophet Amos, “Hear this, you who trample on the needy and bring the poor of the land to an end, saying, ‘When will the new moon be over, that we may sell grain? And the Sabbath, that we may offer wheat for sale, that we may make the ephah small and the shekel great and deal deceitfully with false balances . . .?’” (Amos 8:5)

In ancient times, money was based on weight, so scales were essential. Ephah was a unit of dry measurement (like wheat) and a shekel was a form of weight to determine the value of what was measured out and weighed. Merchants were deceptively making the ephah smaller than it should have been, and the shekel heavier. This was stealing through fraudulent means.

Who were most often the victims of this financial scheme? The poor and needy. What did God think about this practice? “Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” (Proverbs 20:10) Abomination is something that God absolutely detests which stirs up His holy anger. Knowing this, why would the people of Israel, whom Amos addressed, continue in this crime before God? Greed and power. It blinded them from any sense of right and wrong. They were so taken by the abundance of their nation, and the potential to enrich themselves, that they wanted to hurry through the religious meetings, and get on with their lawless business dealings.

In America, we do not use weights and scales, but paper bills that are assigned a value by the government. When our nation prints and prints more bills which get circulated into our monetary system, it is like making the shekel great, when it really is not. It causes the dollar to lose value, and more dollars are needed to buy the same amount of goods or services that it previously did. It is a deceptive financial system that is not honored by God.

In times like these, the lower and middle class suffer the most, while also impacting the entire nation. A wealthy country can financially collapse in a short period due to the sinful financial practices of their leaders. Despite details being hidden and complicated, they are seen and understood by God and invite His judgment.

Even though a small percent of people can enrich and empower themselves through fraudulent means like this, it can lead to unrest in the larger country with increased poverty, business closings, division, tension, protests, famine and more. It is an unjust circumstance that often is man-made and preventable if a nation would turn from their greed and follow the ways of God.

Jesus died and rose again that the sin of greed would no longer have power over us. Through Christ, things can change. With Him nothing is impossible! Let us pray that our leaders would be protected from the temptation toward greed and a lust for power. Let us pray they would make godly financial decisions. Let us look around and share what we have with those in need, no matter if it is little or much.  

A prayer for you – “Lord God, as we go through this time of inflation, I pray our leaders would follow your ways in how our nation manages its money. I pray for the poor and needy who are struggling. Let them trust in you for their provision. Humble our country in this season of financial burden, and let this be a time of turning toward you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Monday, July 11, 2022

How to Live in Evil Times

"In these evil days, where sinful leaders occupy seats of power, let us persist in doing good, being voices of truth and sharing heaven’s good news. Let our trust and hope be in Jesus, who has risen from the dead. For He has conquered the evil which rulers pedal onto their citizens, and is more powerful than any demonic forces leading them."

A new king took the throne in Egypt and looked upon the people of Israel with contempt. They had lived under the Egyptians in peace for generations, but things dramatically changed with the new Pharaoh. They were turned into slaves, oppressed and treated ruthlessly for decades. At one point Pharaoh ordered all sons born to Israelite women to be thrown into the river to die. Day after day the cries of the people of Israel ascended before God, praying against the wicked acts of Pharaoh and for their deliverance.

The story of the Israelites is the story of many nations today. A sinful leader takes his seat of power and with it firmly in his hand, he wields it with a vengeance against his enemies. His foolish exercise of power ultimately not only brings ruin upon his powerless opponents, but tragically ends up destabilizing his nation.

It is this type of situation the Psalmist had in mind when he penned a prayer to the Lord God, “Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute? They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.” (Psalm 94:21-22) This is what life is like under an immoral government. Laws are passed, which run contrary to God’s Word. Disobedience toward God is legalized and encouraged. Immoral and corrupt behavior becomes rampant in government and across the nation. The sick, poor, widows, orphans and already marginalized communities become victims of sinful leadership.

And who is the enemy to this kind of corrupt government? The righteous. Those who seek to do what is right, wise and good no matter the cost. Officials band together to silence these righteous voices. Why? Because they shine the light on their corrupt deeds. Their words of truth and the gospel they preach, exposes the darkness. Therefore, they are condemned. There is no justice for them in the courts of men, and they are harassed at every turn by the powers over them.

How shall the righteous remnant live in such a time? The writer of the Psalm goes on, “But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.” (Ps. 94:22) A stronghold is where one goes for protection. A rock of refuge is a place of safety. These images communicate who God is to those who trust in Him. In a time when depraved men rule, godly people go to the Lord God and His Son, as their rescuer. It does not mean He will remove all forms of pain, suffering and injustice. Actually, in evil times, it will increase. But what does God promise His children? His presence. He will be with us. And He also promises to supply our needs and deliver us from the tempter’s snares.

Moreover, God promises to deal with our adversaries, “He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness . . .” (Ps. 94:23) The vengeance of God through Jesus will come on those who rebel against Him and attack His chosen ones. At first, He is patient with His enemies, providing them a chance to trust Him, but if they refuse, judgment will come. Such was the case with Pharaoh.

Eventually, God sent Moses to rescue Israel. Through him, God warned evil Pharaoh many times, but he rejected God’s mercy. Therefore, with a strong arm, God led His people out of Egypt through the greatest exodus in history. Pharaoh pursued, but his army was wiped out. God destroyed the hard-hearted enemy of His people.

In these evil days, where sinful leaders occupy seats of power, let us persist in doing good, being voices of truth and sharing heaven’s good news. Our trust and hope is in Jesus, who has risen from the dead. For He has conquered the evil which rulers pedal onto their citizens, and is more powerful than any demonic forces leading them. (Photo from Lightstock)

A prayer for you – “Father in heaven, lift our eyes off the evil rulers of our day. For they are mere mortal men. Fix our eyes heavenward. Let our hope be in you, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Jesus name. Amen.”