Lot was orphaned due to the death of his parents. Other children are orphaned due to war, abduction, illness, tragedy or simply because the parents are unfit and authorities have taken the children. In the Christian faith, followers are urged to care for these orphans. The Scriptures say, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God . . . is this: to visit [or care for] orphans” (James 1:27).
Beyond the Scriptural admonition, why do Christians concern themselves with the orphan? They do because the desire comes from the heart of God. He is the Creator of all mankind and architect of the family. His heart is filled with compassion towards those who have no family. Therefore, he urges His followers to be His hands and feet to a world in need.
When someone is orphaned there is a natural instinct to search for that missing relationship. The first place everyone can start their search, no matter their family story, is with God. We were born spiritual beings, instinctively knowing we have a Creator, yet separated from Him because of our sinful hearts. The search for Him took us down winding roads filled with detours. We blindly thought relationships, success, religion or addictions would give us we what lacked, but none of it satisfied.
It was for this God sent His only Son – Jesus. He is the answer. He came to show us a Father’s love and wants to adopt us into His loving family. In a sense, we are all orphans in need of a Father. Call out to Him in humble and desperate faith. Then He will welcome you, cleanse you from all sin, come into your life, make you a new person and give you a new family. Jesus said, “For this my son [or daughter] . . . was lost, and is found” (Luke 15:24). In your pursuit of family may you discover your Heavenly Father and His Son – Jesus. May He be your hope for today.